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以12个小豆品种为试验材料,在防雨棚中对播种6d后的幼苗进行水培试验,测定正常供磷和无磷营养液处理的小豆苗期农艺性状和生理指标。结果表明,缺磷处理显著降低了各小豆品种的株高、茎粗、叶面积,而根长增加,根冠比增大;降低了叶绿素含量、最大荧光(Fm)、原初光能转化效率(Fv/Fm);使叶绿素初始荧光(Fo)、MDA含量、SOD活性、POD活性升高;根、茎、叶的磷含量下降,叶片中磷含量最高。缺磷处理对小豆苗期各农艺性状均有不利影响,根冠比、叶面积受磷影响较大,适合作为小豆品种耐低磷筛选指标。从耐低磷综合指数看出,耐低磷能力强的品种依次为B1789>晋红小豆1号>京农2号,而晋红小豆5号为磷敏感品种;各生理指标均表现为耐低磷性强的品种变化幅度小,耐低磷性弱的品种变化幅度较大;缺磷处理降低了小豆根、茎、叶的磷含量。 Twelve adzuki bean varieties were used as experimental material to test the seedling growth in the shelter for 6 days. The agronomic traits and physiological indexes of Adzuki Bean in the treatments of normal phosphorus supply and non-phosphorus nutrient solution were determined. The results showed that phosphorus deficiency significantly reduced the plant height, stem diameter and leaf area of ​​all the adzuki bean varieties, while the root length increased and the ratio of root to shoot increased; the chlorophyll content, maximum fluorescence (Fm), primary light energy conversion efficiency ( Fv / Fm). The initial fluorescence (Fo), MDA content, SOD activity and POD activity of chlorophyll increased; the content of phosphorus in roots, stems and leaves decreased, and the content of phosphorus in leaves was the highest. Phosphorus deficiency treatment had adverse effects on the agronomic traits of adzuki bean. The root / shoot ratio and leaf area were greatly affected by phosphorus, which was suitable as a screening index for low phosphorus tolerance of adzuki bean. From the comprehensive index of low phosphorus tolerance, the varieties with high tolerance to low phosphorus were B1789> Jinhong Shoudong No.1> Jingnong2 and Jinhong Shodou5 as the phosphorus sensitive varieties. All the physiological indexes showed low resistance Phosphorus varieties with small changes in the range of low phosphorus-resistant varieties of weak changes larger; phosphorus-deficient treatment to reduce the root, stem and leaf phosphorus content.
一般认为60岁以上是进入了老年.老年人的生理与营养状态随着老年化的进程而改变,因此老年人保健的养生之道,尤为重要.1 保健饮食是基础饮食是维持生命的重要保证,做到科学的
Framingham研究发现风湿性心脏病 (风心病 )并发心房颤动 (房颤 )的栓塞危险性是非房颤对照者的 17.6倍 [1 ] ,而这种栓塞危险性的显著增加和患者血液中存在血栓前状态(proth
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
2003年9月~2005年12月共收治重度有机磷农药中毒15例,全部抢救成功,现报道如下。<br> 1资料与方法<br> 1.1一般资料15例患者中,年龄20~65岁。男4例,女11例。均为口服中毒,其