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诺贝尔文学奖颁给莫言,是对其文学创造的充分肯定,亦是对中国当代文学整体实力的充分肯定。谈莫言的文学贡献,其独特的历史书写无法回避。诺贝尔文学奖的到来,使莫言真正走向了世界。但离乡三十多年来,我们看到,莫言始终是身在异乡,心在故乡,如今走向世界,可谓依然如此!他一定忘不了二奶奶(小说《红高粱家族》中的人物)那声音嘹唳的呼唤:“孙子,回来吧!再不回来你就没救了。”因此可以说,故乡是拯救并佑护莫言在文学 The award of the Nobel Literature Prize to Mo Yan is a full affirmation of his literary creation and a full affirmation of the overall strength of contemporary Chinese literature. On Mo Yan’s contribution to literature, his unique history can not be avoided. The advent of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Mo Yan really went to the world. However, since he left his hometown for over thirty years, we have seen that Mo Yan has always lived in a foreign land, and his hometown is now home to the world. He must have forgotten his mistress (the character in the Red Sorghum family) Voice shouted call: “grandchildren, come back! Do not come back and you did not save. ” So it can be said that hometown is to save and protect Mo Yan in literature
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