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初中生正处在成长的关键时期,他们的世界观、人生观、价值观都有待树立,因此在初中教育阶段对其进行良好的引导,促使其良好行为的养成,对于培养初中生的健康人格有着重要的价值。构建初中生良好行为与健康人格养成教育模式,是指从行为训练入手,综合运用多种教育方法,引导学生养成良好的行为习惯和健康人格,为社会培养高素质型的人才。本文将针对养成教育的现状提出构建初中生良好行为与健康人格养成教育模式的方法,希望对初中教学有所裨益。 Junior high school students are in a critical period of growth. Their world outlook, outlook on life and values ​​have yet to be established. Therefore, they should be well guided in the junior middle school education to promote their good behavior and to cultivate a healthy personality for junior high school students Important value. Constructing a model of good behavior and healthy personality development for junior high school students means starting with behavioral training and comprehensively using various education methods to guide students to develop good habits and healthy personalities so as to train high-quality talents for the society. This article will put forward a method to construct the education mode of good behavior and healthy personality for junior high school students according to the current situation of developing education, and hope it will be helpful to the junior middle school teaching.
一边是叽哩呱啦的“鸟语”,一边是地地道道的“国货”,两厢的“特色”交织出一幅声情并茂的服装买卖秀。 One side is Jili Gula the “Bird”, while the one is authentic
你是不是也曾经  为了某种莫须有的想法  而执著并深陷过?  比如  你冥冥中觉得  他深深地爱上了你  尽管他没任何爱你的迹象  你宁愿它就是真的  于是你苦苦等待他的求爱  比如  你没来由地感觉到某些人  在制造阴谋迫害自己  虽然并无事实根据  但你却对此分外确信    再比如  你可能认为生活中的另一半  背叛了自己  你跟自己假想中的  第三者不断作战  当你幻想出的东西  已经完全背
一、以问题教学带动学生进行研究性学习的案例1.发现问题,展开讨论高二化学有关铁及其化合物的教学中,总会碰到Fe~(2+)和 Fe~(3+)的鉴别问题,高中教学中对于 Fe~(2+)只能采
AIM To assess the etiology of chronic liver diseases(CLD) from 1998 to 2014 at the outpatient clinic of Gastroenterology of the main hospital in Northwest of It
AIM To investigate the efficacy and safety of emergency endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) in elderly patients with acute cholangitis. METHODS