业兴抵万金 信用重如山——谈乡镇企业如何解决贷款难

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近几年来,在信贷市场上日愈凸现着求与供这样一对矛盾:一方面,是中小企业急剧发展扩张或调整结构壮大自己而需大量融资的迫切需求;一方面是银行信贷部门望着中小企业这片融资市场的沃土而难以举步:中小企业规模小,贷款数额少,与大企业放贷款比,就像批发和零售,而这种零售不仅利薄,而且还因与对待大企业一样投入大量人力和精力所进行评估,这就造成了很高的成本,不仅获取信息的成本高,而且放贷后还因中小企业实力弱、抗市场风险能力差、或经营和信用等方面的问题,使贷款无法按期收回,又出现了高风险。随着亚州金融危机的出现和知识经济时代的来临,世界各国在反思大企业集团的弊端时,不约而同地给中小企业的发展以空前的重视,从各方面给中小企业的发展以大力扶植。中小企业在世界经济发展中扮演着备受瞩目的角 In recent years, there have been increasingly conflicting demands and offers in the credit market. On the one hand, it is an urgent need for large-scale financing that small and medium-sized enterprises need rapid financing to expand or adjust their structure to expand themselves. On the one hand, they are looking at the bank credit departments Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), a fertile land for financing, are struggling to find ways: small and medium-sized enterprises, small loans, and loans to large enterprises are just like wholesale and retail outlets. Not only are these retail outlets not only cheaper, but they also have the same advantages as large enterprises Invest a lot of manpower and energy for assessment, which resulted in high costs, not only the high cost of access to information, but also after the lending due to the weak strength of SMEs, anti-market risk ability is poor, or business and credit issues, So that loans can not be recovered on schedule, but also appeared high risk. With the advent of the Asian financial crisis and the advent of a knowledge-based economy, all countries in the world, when they reflect on the drawbacks of large conglomerates, invariably attach unprecedented importance to the development of SMEs and vigorously promote the development of SMEs in all aspects. Small and medium-sized enterprises play a high-profile corner in the world economic development
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