Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of heart rate variability (HRV) in 53 cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and 50 normal controls. METHODS: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with or without cardiac autonomic neuropathy (ANP) were examined by 24-hour Holter heart rate variability spectral analysis. Results: The 24-hour R-R interval standard deviation (SDNN) of type 2 diabetes mellitus (ms) and the percentage of normal R-R interval difference of more than 50ms (PNN50) were significantly lower than that of normal subjects. The total energy, high frequency and low frequency amplitude of R-R interval in type 2 diabetic patients were significantly lower than those in normal subjects. Conclusion: HRV is one of the most sensitive and effective methods for diabetic cardiopulmonary autonomic neuropathy (ANP).