人老干什么?也就是“老有所为”“为”什么?依我看来,两个文明建设,四个现代化建设中三百六十行,行行业业中都有老人在所为,大至科学家,小至擦皮鞋;武到干军事,文到写文章;还有公干为大家,私干为小家,老人皆有为,夕阳美如画。除了身体条件实在为不动、干不了事的外,大多数老者仍有为。 人老干什么?当然要干好事、干正事,干有益于人民、有益于家庭及下代的好事、正事。当然不能干、不该干有害于人民、有害于家庭及下代的坏事、邪事,更不能干违法犯罪的事。
In my opinion, the construction of two civilizations, the three hundred and sixty lines in the four modernizations and the development of industries all have old people doing what they want. To scientists, small to rub shoes; Wu to dry the military, the text to write articles; and business for everyone, private small home, the elderly are promising, the setting sun picturesque. In addition to the physical condition is immobile, can not do anything, the majority of the elderly still have. Of course, we must do good things, do good business, and do good and good things that benefit the people, benefit the family and the next generation. Of course, we can not do anything, we should not do harm to the people, the detriment of families and the next generation of bad things and evil things, but can not do crimes and crimes.