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  我们常用many,much,a lot of等表示“多”,其实还有不少含有“多”的表达方法,请看下面的例句和词语搭配。
  1. 请你多多帮助。Please give me all the help you can.
  2. 他多喝了一点。He?蒺s had a drop too much.
  3. 这句话多了一个字。There?蒺s one word too many in this sentence.
  4. 我在那里多住了几天。I stayed there a few days longer.
  5. 全书一千多页。It?蒺s a book of 1000-odd pages.
  6. 病人今天好多了。The patient is much better today.
  7. “他多大年纪?”“六十多岁。”“How old is he?”“He?蒺s over sixty years old.”
  8. 看她多精神!Look how energetic she is!
  9. 有多大劲使多大劲。Use all your strength.
  10. 给我一根绳子,多长都行。Give me a piece of rope;any length will do.
  11. 他这会儿还不来,多半不来了。Since he hasn?蒺t come yet,probably he isn?蒺t coming.
  12. 这支球队的成员多半是工人。Most of the members of this ball team are workers.
  13. 那里的气候太多变了。The climate there is too changeable.
  14. 这姑娘多才多艺。The girl is gifted in many ways.
  15. 何必多此一举?Why take the trouble to do that?
  16. 他在部队里多次立功。He repeatedly distinguished himself in the army.
  17. 多多益善the more the better
  18. 多方设法try all possible means/make every effort
  19. 多方协助render all manner of help
  20. 我多会儿有空多会儿去。I?蒺ll go there when I?蒺m free.
  21. 多亏你的帮助我才完成它。I?蒺ve finished it thanks to your help.
  22. 多亏你给我们带路。We were lucky to have you as our guide.
  23. 多么新鲜的水果啊!How fresh the fruit is!/What fresh fruit!
  24. 不管天多么冷,他都坚持户外锻炼。However cold is was,he never stopped taking outdoor exercise.
  25. 多面手a many-sided person/a versatile person/an all-rounder
  26. 多民族国家multinational country
  27. 多难兴邦much distress regenerates a nation
  28. 我多少有点失望。I feel somewhat disappointed.
  29. 他讲的多少有点道理。There?蒺s something in what he says.
  30. 我知道多少说多少。I?蒺ll tell all I know.
  31. 我已等候多时了。I?蒺ve waited a long time.
  32. 怪我多事。I shouldn?蒺t have poked my nose into this./I shouldn?蒺t have interfered.
  33. 少数服从多数。The minority is subordinate to majority.
  34. 你不了解情况别多嘴。You don?蒺t know the facts,so keep your mouth shut.
  1. 少花钱,多办事。Get more done on less money.
  2. 以少胜多defeat the many with the few
  3. 少走弯路avoid detours
  4. 少吃多餐have many meals but little food at each
  5. 我们还少两把椅子。We?蒺re still two chairs short.
  6. 缺医少药be short of doctors and medicine
  7. 咱们缺少一个好的守门员。We lack a good goalkeeper.
  8. 看看少不少人。See if anyone is missing.
  9. 羊群里少了几只羊。A few sheep have been lost from the flock.
  10. 少来这一套!Gut it out!/Quit that!/Stop pretending!
  11. 这次比赛少不了你。We can?蒺t do without you for this match.
  12. 这事少不了还要麻烦你。We may have to trouble you again about this.
  13. 困难看来少不了。It looks as if there are going to be a lot of difficulties.
  14. 教学内容要少而精。Teaching content should be concise.
  15. 用不着少见多怪。There?蒺s nothing to be surprised at.
  16. 也许是我少见多怪。Maybe it was all due to my own ignorance.
  17. 他们是少数。They are in the minority.
  18. 少数人a small number of people/a few people/the minority
  19. 少数民族minority nationality/national minority
  20. 少倾after a short while/after a few moments
  21. 男女老少men and women,old and young
  22. 少年early youth(from ten to sixteen)
  23. 少年老成an old head on young shoulders
  24. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。If one does not exert oneself in youth,one will regret it in old age./Laziness in youth spells regret in old age.
目的 观察单过硫酸氢钾复合盐的消毒效果.方法 采用悬液定量杀菌实验和现场试验方法,对该消毒剂实验室和现场消毒效果进行了观察.结果 用含单过硫酸氢钾1%该消毒剂溶液作用5分