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画界人论及江苏山水,宋文治先生当是名重一方。我和宋老缘于省美协的艺事活动而相识。20世纪80年代末,我们一起出席省政协的会议,除在一起参政议政之外,与会期间,还不止一次地同住一室,饭后茶余,睡前起后,多有交谈,增进了接触和了解,间或会上安排笔会活动,随之便拉近了距离,其间宋老偶见我的作品,多有偏爱和谆谆启导。他的艺术形象和长者风范,使我铭心难忘。一省政协召开全委会议,会务组经常安排我和宋老同室而住,宋老的达观谦和、善解人意,成为我忘年的师友。记得一次我为南京朋友写了一幅字,裱成长卷,带到会上,准备相机捎去。一日我不在室内,宋老随意展开观赏,其他书画同道也都来看个究竟。既有人同赏,宋老就对我的作品,从整体到局部,从章法到笔法等方面,有感而发畅言评议,且赞赏有加。待我回室,仍余音未尽。午休时,我 Painting circles on Jiangsu landscapes, Mr. Song Wenzhi is a party. Song and I met with the art activities of the Provincial Association for the sake of the United States. In the late 1980s, when we attended the meetings of the Provincial People’s Political Consultative Conference, apart from participating in the politics and government together, we also lived together in the same room more than once during the conference. After dinner, we had talked and improved after going to bed Contact and understanding, during or during the arrangement of pen will be activities, followed by closer to the distance, during which my wife and I often see my works, there are many biased and coveted. His artistic image and elder style make me unforgettable. A provincial CPPCC held a plenary session, the conference group often arranged for me to live with the same song and Song, Lao Song’s concept of humiliation, understanding, become my teacher of the year. I remember once I wrote a picture for a friend in Nanjing, framed into a long roll, brought to the meeting, ready to take the camera. One day I am not indoors, Song Laocan free to watch, other paintings and calligraphers have come to see what happens. Both the people with the same reward, Song Lao on my work, from the whole to the local, from the chapter law to writing and so on, have a sense of fair commentary, and appreciated. When I get back to my room, I still have a sound left. Lunch time, me
患者,女,71岁.因腰腹痛伴尿频、血尿、腹部包块3个月入院.B超和CT提示肾盂癌可能.查体:一般情况差,慢性病容,右腹部可触及约26.0 cm×14.0cm包块,质中,囊性感,近腰部触痛,肾区叩痛明显.实验室检查:肾功正常,尿涂片查见恶性细胞.2003年12月10日行手术治疗,术中见肿块与周围组织粘连明显,行右肾癌姑息性切除。
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