推行竞争上岗 实现能上能下

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党的十四届四中全会以来,国家计委的干部人事工作,根据社会主义市场经济发展的要求,紧紧围绕建设一支高素质的干部队伍这一目标,突出观念转变,着力推进改革,初步建立起竞争择优的选拔任用机制,促进了干部队伍素质的提高和积极性的发挥,为国家计委完成党中央、国务院赋予的宏观调控任务提供了组织保证。他们的做法是——国家计委的干部人事制度改革,机关以推行竞争上岗为主,委属单位则将竞争上岗与推行聘任制、任期制结合起来进行。主要有三个特点:一是起步较早。委属单位处以下干部聘任制从1987年开始试点,1994年底开始在委属30多个单位推行;委属单位领导干部任期制从1995年试行,1999年开始全面推行,目前已有13个单位领导班子实行了任期制,占委属单位总数的56.5%。委机关在1998年机构改革中采取“群众参与,竞争上岗,双向选 Since the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the requirements of the development of the socialist market economy, the cadre and personnel work of the State Development Planning Commission has focused on the goal of building a contingent of highly qualified cadres, highlighted changes in concepts, The preliminary establishment of a system of selecting and appointing people with better competition has promoted the improvement of quality of cadres and their enthusiasm and provided organizational guarantees for the State Development Planning Commission to complete the task of macro-control given by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Their approach is: the reform of the cadre and personnel system of the State Development Planning Commission, which is mainly based on the introduction of competitive posts, while the subordinate units combine the competition of posts with the appointment of appointment and the term of office. There are three main features: First, start earlier. The following cadres appointment system at the subordinate units has been piloted since 1987, and more than 30 units have been commissioned since the end of 1994; the term of office of the leading cadres of the subordinate units has been piloted in 1995 and fully implemented since 1999. At present, 13 units The leadership has introduced a term system accounting for 56.5% of the total number of subordinate units. In 1998, the organs and organs took ”masses participation, competition for posts and two-way election in the institutional reform in 1998
编辑同志:  我今年57岁,患高血压、冠心病已经4年了。近两年来,我特别容易出汗,在白天稍一活动便会出汗,在晚上还会发生盗汗。有时一觉醒来,枕巾和床单都会被汗液浸透。请问,我该如何进行治疗? 陕西 葛丽清 葛丽清读者