统筹发展 便民利民

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推行分时段预约方便患者节省时间随着医院的不断发展壮大,辽宁省葫芦岛市中心医院龙湾院区患者数量日益增多,患者排号难、等待时间过长、相对的检查时间过短等矛盾日益突出。为了能早点进行检查,患者半夜排队,疲惫不堪,有的患者没有家属提前排队,检查做不上,为此多有怨言。病人无法估算出就诊的具体时间,在检查室外盲目等待,浪费了大量时间,心情焦躁,检查室外拥挤混乱,医患矛盾一触即发。为提高看病效率,解决患者看病难 Implementation of sub-time reservation for patients to save time With the continuous development and expansion of the hospital, Huludao City Central Hospital, Liaoning Province, Longwan Hospital, an increasing number of patients, patient registration number is too long, the waiting time is too long, the relative inspection time is too short prominent. In order to be able to check earlier, patients lined up in the middle of the night, exhausted, and some patients without family line up in advance, check fail, for which more complaints. Patients can not estimate the specific time of treatment, waiting blindly in the examination room, wasted a lot of time, anxiety, check the outdoor crowded chaos, doctor-patient conflicts at any trigger. In order to improve the efficiency of medical treatment, it is difficult to solve the patient’s medical treatment
China Standardization:As far as I know,NEAS Forum is a regional mechanism for standardization cooperation which was established jointly by China,Japan and Korea
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目的 观察应用替莫唑胺(TMZ)治疗手术后脑原发性胶质瘤患者的疗效和安全性.方法 选择26例年龄为18~60岁,经病理检查诊断为星形细胞瘤(Ⅱ~Ⅳ级)患者,其中间变性星形细胞瘤(Ⅱ~Ⅲ级)18例,胶质母细胞瘤(Ⅳ级)8例.给予TMZ150~200mg/(m2·d),连续空腹口服5d,28d为一个疗程(本组患者治疗3~6个疗程).每一个疗程均随访患者的临床表现,血常规及肝、肾功能,以判断患者能否耐受