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1991年初,我就任频临破产的苏州缝纫厂厂长。当时,工厂连续三年停产半停产,职工工资靠借贷发放,讨债的接二连三,厂房破旧不堪,所有的银行帐户存款加起来才12元钱,企业内人心涣散。从1988年到1991年首季,企业帐面亏损累计达784万元,潜亏406万元,欠交税金327万元(银行的贷款利息还未计算在内),工厂确实已经到了资不抵债的破产地步。在这种情况下我深深感到自己是一名共产党员,有责任、有义务挑起这副“拯救苏缝”的重担,引导职工脱贫致富。于是“毛遂自荐”走上企业厂长岗位。 四年多来扭亏的实践使我体会最深的是:企业的变化,首先取决于领导思想观念的转变。只有真正解放思想,放开手脚,敢于开拓进取、负重拼搏,企业才能摆脱困境,不断发展。企业的出路在于改革,企业的改革应该坚持“学习总结国有企业的成功经验,学习运用乡镇企业的灵活机制,学习借鉴国外先进的管理 In early 1991, I was the director of the Suzhou sewing factory, which was on the verge of bankruptcy. At that time, the factory stopped production for three consecutive years and stopped production. The wages of employees were paid by loans, the debt collection was sporadic, and the factory buildings were dilapidated. All the bank account deposits only added up to 12 yuan, and the people in the company were scattered. From 1988 to the first quarter of 1991, the company’s book loss totaled 7.84 million yuan, the potential loss was 4.06 million yuan, and the outstanding tax payment was 3.27 million yuan (the bank’s loan interest has not yet been included). The factory has indeed reached insolvency. Bankruptcy. Under such circumstances, I deeply feel that I am a Communist Party member and have the responsibility and obligation to provoke the burden of this “saving the Su suture” and guide the workers to get out of poverty. Therefore, “Mao Yuzi recommended” to take the position of the director of the company. The practice of turning losses in more than four years has made me realize that the most important thing is that the changes in the enterprise will first depend on the change in the concept of leadership. Only by truly emancipating the mind, letting go of their hands and feet, daring to forge ahead, and fighting hard, can companies emerge from their predicaments and continue to develop. The way out of the enterprise lies in reform. The reform of the enterprise should insist on “learning and summing up the successful experiences of the state-owned enterprises, learning how to use the flexible mechanisms of the township enterprises, and learning from advanced foreign management.
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