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隔离安全是玉米杂交制种的必备条件。平原区玉米制种基础条件好,生产潜力大,但是隔离问题难解决。对此,我们进行了有益的探索。1 隔离方法:采用时间隔离和空间隔离相结合的方法进行。在玉米制种区边沿,设一个200米的隔离带。隔离带实行以春玉米制种为主的轮作套种法。隔 Isolation safety is a prerequisite for hybrid seed production in maize. The basic conditions of seed production in the plain area are good, and the production potential is great, but the isolation problem is hard to be solved. In this regard, we conducted a useful exploration. 1 isolation method: the use of time separation and spatial isolation method of combining. In the seed production area of ​​corn, set a 200-meter isolation zone. Isolation belt to implement the main production of spring corn crop intercropping method. Every other