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不仅政府主办的大型项目需要实施项目管理,而且企业在推出新产品、新技术、新工艺和各种改革措施的过程中也需广泛实施项目管理--项目管理是为了满足特定项目的管理需要,管理人员知识、技巧、工具和技术在与项目有关的系列活动中的运用。项目管理通过日常任务的标准化和缩减可能被忽略的任务数量来帮助企业满足消费者的需要;它保证组织最有效地使用可用的资源。世界上许多著名的企业如 IBM、AT&T 等都利用项目管理来计划、组织和控制企业战略性的创新活动,监测企业运行情况,分析重大的偏差和预测这些偏差对企业组织的目标的影响。此外,项目管理在政府机关和非盈利机构中也得到非常广泛的运用。据清华大学土木水利工程学院吴之明教授介绍,我国现在大量投资需要通过项目来运作,政府的各种项目几乎涵盖了经济、文化、科教、国防等所有重大领域,诸如银行贷款项目,能源、交通、水利等基础设施项目,农业发展项目,环保项目,扶贫项目,科研、教育项目,体制改革项目等。这些项目对国民经济有着重大影响,而且项目的数量、投资额度、资金来源、币种的多元化以及管理的复杂性都大大超过以往。尽管改革开放以来我国的项目管理工作有了很大 Not only the government-sponsored large-scale projects need to implement project management, but also the implementation of project management in the process of introducing new products, new technologies, new processes and various reform measures. Project management is to meet the management needs of specific projects, Management knowledge, skills, tools and techniques used in a series of project-related activities. Project management helps businesses meet consumer needs by standardizing day-to-day tasks and reducing the number of tasks that may be overlooked; it ensures that organizations make the most efficient use of available resources. Many famous enterprises in the world, such as IBM, AT & T, use project management to plan, organize and control strategic innovation activities of enterprises, monitor the operation of enterprises, analyze major deviations and predict the impact of these deviations on the goals of the enterprise. In addition, project management is also widely used in government agencies and non-profit organizations. According to Professor Wu Zhiming from the School of Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, a large amount of investment in our country now needs to be run through projects. The various government projects cover almost all major fields of economy, culture, science, education and national defense, such as bank loans, energy, transportation, Water conservancy and other infrastructure projects, agricultural development projects, environmental protection projects, poverty alleviation projects, scientific research, education projects and institutional reform projects. These projects have a significant impact on the national economy, and the number of projects, the amount of investment, the sources of funding, the diversification of currencies and the complexity of management have far exceeded those of the past. Despite the reform and opening up our country has a lot of project management
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目的通过回顾性分析糖尿病和非糖尿病人群中代表外周动脉硬化及僵硬度程度的肱踝脉搏波传导速度(ba PWV)、踝臂指数(ABI))与心脏收缩功能之间的相关性,探讨糖尿病对大血管及
北京大学出版社综合编辑室    2005年6月,北京大学出版社推出了由夏中义先生主编的《大学新语文》,虽然目前我们已经收到众多专家学者和普通读者对这本书的好评和建议,但《大学新语文》的价值和意义在更大范围内的显现,却有待更多的朋友们在阅读中去评判。  《未名?新青年读本》的编选和出版则是《大学新语文》的策划者和编选者们一次“意犹未尽”的补偿。像《大学新语文》的编选理念一样,《未名·新青年读本》依然