
来源 :中国消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jst1984
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近年来,贵州省遵义市每年开发的商品房面积上百万平方米,由于管理、监督、体制等诸多原因,目前商品房的消防设施建设和管理问题非常突出,严重危及广大人民群众的生命财产安全,必须采取切实的措施加以解决。笔者近十年一直从事建筑工程设计消防审核和日常消防监督工作,现结合实践,谈谈当前城镇商品消防安全隐患的成因和对策。 In recent years, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, developed an annual commercial housing area of ​​one million square meters, due to management, supervision, system and many other reasons, the current commercial housing construction and management of fire facilities are very prominent, seriously endangering the lives and property of the broad masses of people, Practical measures must be taken to solve it. The author has been engaged in the construction of fire engineering review and daily fire supervision, has now combined practice, talk about the current urban products, fire safety hazards of the causes and countermeasures.
近几年全国各省市中考题中普遍出现了开放性综合题.它具有以下特点: (1)问题的答案是不确定的,具有层次性; (2)问题的解决具有非常规性、发散性和创新性,因而具有探究性和发
As the fish that leapsf。rom the river,$the dropping ofa November leaf at twilight.舾蛳faint flicker嘶i趣咖tning down鳢Ie southem sky.sO I saw beauty away.像跃
我愿——是朵小花开在老师的窗口把春光留在她心头 I would like to be a small flower in the teacher’s window to keep the spring in her heart
When he was stopped for speeding by a patrol car , the motorist defended When he was stopped for speeding by a patrol car , the motorist defended
An instrument of the Soho satellite tooka picture of a huge blast on the Sun on 1st July2002.The solar eruption was more than 30times the length of the Earth’
中国向来号称是“礼仪之邦”,最讲究过节。国有国庆,家有家祭,阴历节,阳历节,天地君亲师,党政军民学,三姑五通六婆,八娼九儒十丐,一年三百六十日,隔三岔五便是节。过完了自己的节,再随喜别人的节。俗话说“礼多人不怪”,当然也就“节多人不烦”,过节总是一件好事,多多益善是人们的普遍心理。当年李闯王的最高理想不就是“天天都过年”嘛!    何况中国人又胸襟博大,能够融蛮化夷,许多鬼子的节,都被咱们兼收并蓄