
来源 :山西青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoyunlonggao
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我国的高职教育随着国内外经济形势发展而不断蓬勃壮大,随着规模的扩大化,高职教育中存在的问题不断凸显。高职英语教育在面临国际形势的挑战中,应该如何完善发展自身,成了一个日趋严重的问题。高职院校作为培养应用型、复合型技术人才的摇篮,英语教学模式必须与时俱进,不断创新。本文就新形势下高职院校英语教学模式改革做了一些有益的探索。 With the development of the economic situation at home and abroad, the higher vocational education in our country continues to flourish. With the expansion of the scale, the problems in higher vocational education continue to be highlighted. Vocational English education in the face of the challenges of the international situation, how to improve their own development, has become an increasingly serious problem. As a cradle of cultivating applied and compound talents, higher vocational colleges must keep pace with the times and keep innovating. This article makes some useful explorations on the reform of English teaching mode in higher vocational colleges under the new situation.
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