Global crustal movement and tectonic plate boundary deformation constrained by the ITRF2008

来源 :Geodesy and Geodynamics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tyb798229
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On the basis of the newly released International Terrestrial Reference Frame(ITRF2008) by the International Earth Rotation Service(IERS),a new global plate model ITRF2008 plate for the major plates is established.This ITRF2008-derived model is analyzed in comparison with NNR-NUVEL1A model,which is mainly based on geological and geophysical data.The Eurasia and Pacific plates display obvious differences in terms of the velocity fields derived from the two plate motion models.Plate acceleration is also introduced to characterize the differences of the two velocity fields which obtained from ITRF2008-plate and NNR-NUVEL1A models for major individual plates.The results show that the Africa,South America and Eurasia plates are undergoing acceleration,while the North America and Australia plates are in the state of deceleration motion. On the basis of the newly released International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF2008) by the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS), a new global plate model ITRF2008 plate for the major plates is established. This ITRF2008-derived model is analyzed in comparison with NNR- NUVEL1A model, which is mainly based on geological and geophysical data. The Eurasia and Pacific plates display obvious differences in terms of the velocity fields derived from the two plate motion models. Plate acceleration is also introduced to characterize the differences of the two velocity fields which obtained from ITRF2008-plate and NNR-NUVEL1A models for major individual plates. The results show that the Africa, South America and Eurasia plates are undergoing acceleration, while the North America and Australia plates are in the state of deceleration motion.
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一天,一名青年男子推开了日本东京一间寿司店的门,他要用餐。然而,店员却客气地告诉他,本月的位子已经全都被预订完,他可以定下个月的。男子有些诧异,他环顾了一下这间仅有10个座位的小店,问道:这里供应小菜吗?店员说,这里只有寿司,每位三万日元起价……  纪录片《寿司之神》的这个镜头,相信让每一名观众都心生疑问:这间小店为什么这样牛呢?  原来,这间小店的老板正是被誉为“寿司之神”的小野二郎。一位日本的