香港贸易发展局最新一份市场研究报告指出,中国内地的广告及市场研究行业将持续高速增长,香港业者应针对当地客户所需,提供优质服务,以争取庞大的内地市场。 该份题为《中国内地广告及市场研究业》的报告,详述内地广告及市场研究行业概况,分析当地市场机会及港商开拓市场的可行策略。 报告指出,在过去5年,内地广告及市场研究业分别以每年45%和25%的速度增长。随着内地经济发展,
According to the latest market research report of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the advertising and market research industries in Mainland China will continue to grow at a rapid rate. Hong Kong companies should provide quality services tailored to the needs of local customers in order to secure a large mainland market. The report, titled “China’s Mainland Advertising and Market Research Industry,” provides a detailed description of the Mainland’s advertising and market research industry, and analyses the local market opportunities and the feasible strategies for Hong Kong companies to explore the market. The report pointed out that in the past five years, the Mainland advertising and market research industries have grown by 45% and 25% each year. With the economic development in the Mainland,