
来源 :美术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxiande123
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本刊讯 2002年的1月21日,来自美术理论各界的同仁相聚在北苑宾馆,参加由中国美术家协会与中国艺术研究院美术研究所共同主办的“美术理论界新年座谈会”。与会者有中国美协党组书记兼常务副主席刘大为,中国艺研院美研所所长龙瑞,副所长王镛和陈绶祥,中国美协《美术》杂志 On January 21, 2002, colleagues from all walks of life in the theory of art gathered together at Beiyuan Hotel and participated in the “New Year Symposium for Fine Arts Theorists” co-hosted by the Chinese Artists Association and the Art Institute of China Academy of Art. Attendees included Liu Dawei, party secretary and executive vice chairman of the China Artists Association, Long Rui, director of the China Research Institute of the United States Institute of Fine Arts, Wang Xun and Chen Shuxiang, deputy director of the China Institute of Art and Research, Fine Arts Magazine of the China Artists Association
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。段新明山水画 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Duan Xinming lands
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本文重点介绍了中国东部沿海海岸侵蚀现状,分析了海岸侵蚀的自然因素和人为因素,提出了防治海岸侵蚀的简要措施。 This article focuses on the status quo of coast coasta
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潘缨作品 Pan Ying works
当人类即将迈入21世纪大门时,许多政治学家、经济学家、历史学家在用不同的语言、不同的逻辑方式,论证着一个同样的热门话题:21世纪将是太平洋时代。 When humans are about