《Unit4 Worldlife protection(Warming Up and Pre—reading)》渗透法制教育教学设计

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  Content:Warming Up
  Teaching goals
  ⒈Knowledge goals:Worlds and expressions:wildlife ,decrease endangered,concern,zone,in peace,in danger of,die out/Let students learn about 《The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Wildlife Protection》and《The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Environment Protection》
  ⒉Ability goals:Develope students’speaking and discussing and writing abilities /Enable students to know something about wildlifef protection.
  ⒊Emotional goals:Make the students know the importance of wildlife protection love our environment and arouse students’s awareness of protecting wildlife and environment.
  Teaching Important Points:Master the relative words and expressions/Train students’speaking ,discussing and writing abilities.
  Teaching difficult Points:How to help students improve their speaking ,discussing and writing abilities.
  Teaching metholds:Task-based metholds,speaking,discussing coperative learning.
  Teaching Aids:A multi-media computer,blackboard.
  Teaching steps
  Step 1:New words and expressions
  Show the new words and expressions and let students guess the meanings of them.Then correct their meanings especially their pronunciation .
  Step 2:Lead in
  ⒈Show some pictures of some animals having disappeared and let students give their names.Then encourage students to talk more about them freely.
  ⒉Show some pictures of some endangered animals and let students give their names.Then,ask them :“What other endanger animals do you know about?”In game:One student describe something about the animal,the other one guess the name of it.
  Step 3:Discussion
  Ask students:⒈why have the animals disappeared?⒉ Why are the animales in danger of disappearing? First,let students discuss the two questions in groups,Each group talk about one animal.Second,ask some students to talk about their reasons referring to:appearence,food,habitat,hunt,global warming overhunting etc.Meanwhile,encourage students to listen carefully and add up more reasons they think are reasonable.
  Step 4:Discussing and learning law
  Discuss “What should we do to protect the endangered animals”.Let students discuss the question in pairs and ask them their ways to protect the endangered animals from dying out.They can do like this:To save the endangered animals,we should do....,we shouldn’t do....,As for our government,they should......In this part,I will introduce the laws:《The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Wildlife Protection》and《The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Environment Protection》.
  I will show some main rules of the laws to my students.
  Step 5:Summary and writing
  Summarize the period and ask students to write a composition :Save our friend __________or a letter to call on all people to protect wildlife in limited time and ask some to read their writings if time allows.
  Step 6:Homework
  ⒈Read the words and expressions in this unit.
  ⒉Preview the passage How Dasy learnen to help wildlife and find out the answers to the questions on P27.
兴趣是学习的前提,培养学生学习兴趣当为教师之己任。在教学中,我这样激发小学生学习数学的兴趣:  一、吃透教材  常言道:“要给学生一杯水,教师必先拥有一桶水。”吃透教材,是上好课的前提,是激发学生兴趣的保障条件之一。每上一节课,教师都应该对这节课所教的内容心中有数。这样,讲起来才生动具体、栩栩如生,才能吸引学生,使学生的注意力集中。学生听了这样的课,回味无穷,学习兴趣就会自然而生,教学效果也自然会
《语文课程标准》明确指出“全面提高学生的语文素养”、“正确把握语文教育的特点”、“积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式”、“努力建设开放而有活力的语文课程”。新的课标、新的教学理念,应该在课堂教学这个主阵地中得到落实、获得体现。这就需要构建一个新课标指导下的新课堂。  一、发挥主动性,培养创造思维  新的课程标准要求在课堂教学中建立新型的师生关系:一种互动、和谐、教学相长的师生关系。在课堂教学中,要
新的《语文课程标准》明确指出:使学生具有口语交际的基本能力,在各种交际活动中,学会倾听、表达和交流,初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往,发展合作精神。在教学中重视对学生说话能力的培养,是学生优秀素质形成和发展的基础。然而,刚入学的儿童,语言普遍不够规范,有的口齿不清、奶声奶气;有的支支吾吾、说不完整;有的颠三倒四、没有条理。由此可见,在低年级,培养学生的说话能力显得尤为重要。  一、给机会,让学
初中语文活动课是新课程语文教学的着眼点。语文教学正改变传统的单一的课堂授课形式,以学生自主参与活动为特征。语文活动课的出现,是初中语文教学的一次大变革,是语文学科课程实施素质教育、全面提高学生语文素质的有力举措。  一、建立活动课教学模式  传统语文教学的内容与实际生活有一定的脱节,缺乏现代生活气息,教学方法是注入式,学生缺乏自主的实践,因而导致了语文课堂气氛的沉闷,导致了学生学习兴趣的下降,导致
阅读教学虽无定法,但“它山之石,可以攻玉”。作为语文教师,在众多的教学方法中取人之长、补己之短,使自己的教学方法和手段更加切合学习的主体——学生学习语文的规律,这应是我们应尽的职责和义务。下面,笔者想就语文阅读教学的模式作初步探讨,以求教于同行。  一、课文结构分析模式:“感性认识—深刻理解—灵活运用”与“泛读—精读—研读”  阅读过程是系统而完整的,是由浅入深、由易而难的循序渐进的认识过程。它起
一个教师在教学中怎么样最大限度地调学生学习的积极性,鼓励学生对待问题敢想、敢问、敢说、敢做,让他们在数学王国里自由地探索,从发现中寻找快乐,主动获取知识,体会到数学的实用价值和“做”数学的乐趣。就教师怎样实现学生自主学习与自主发展的问题,笔者谈几点以飨同仁。  一、启迪学生去发现问题  首先,教师应当把学习主动权还给学生,引导他们主动地发现问题,探索新知,这对学生自己来说印象、感受最深,理解得最深
写作是一种综合运用能力的训练,是对所学知识的综合应用。在写的训练中,指导学生既要注重句子结构和单词、词组的用法,又要注意语法、标点符号的运用,还要有一定的逻辑思维和组织材料的能力。这样,既在写的过程中锻炼了学生用非本族语思维的能力,又使他们熟悉了各种不同的表达方法和写作技巧。  一、造句  句子是文章的基本单位,造句能侧重培养学生的口头、笔头单词造句能力和拼写能力。新课结束后,要让学生自己归纳,总
目前,英语教学从课改前简单的ABC等字母单一学习开始演变为短语、句子、会话的多元教学。对于一些刚接触过英语或简单接触过英语学习的学生来说,学起来一时是难以适应的。比如:今年冀教版的的新教材,一开始就取消了原来的字母教学,以简单的会话开始。因此,在英语教学中,我们要针对新教材及学生自身的特点,重视培养学生的英语学习能力,引导学生主动地接近英语、了解英语,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。  一、重视启蒙教学,