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保障发明权与专利权暂行条例施行细则第一条本细则根据保障发明权与专利权暂行条例第二十二条制定之。第二条申请发明权与专利权者,应依照规定格式,填具申请书、说明书、附具图样、模型或样品,径送中央技术管理局。前项格式由中央技术管理局印发。第三条申请文件,须用中国文字。专门名词,须附注外文始能明瞭者,得附注外文。第四条申请书内,载明申请人姓名、住址、我明名称及申请志愿。每一申请书,以申请一种发明为限。第五条说明书应备同式二份,其内容应力求明瞭正确及完备,尤应指出发明之构成,制造方法、功效,及认为新颖之特点,使发明之审查,得有确切的根据。第六条图样应备同式二份,用绘图黑墨水,依照工程制图方法绘制。第七条样品笨重时,可附送模型。 Article 1 of the Provisional Regulations on the Protection of Invention Rights and Patent Rights Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with Article 22 of the Provisional Regulations on the Protection of Invention Rights and Patents. Article 2 Those who apply for the right of invention and patent shall fill in the application forms, instruction manuals, drawings, models or samples in accordance with the prescribed format and send them to the Central Technology Administration. The format of the preceding paragraph was issued by the Central Technology Administration. Article 3 The application documents shall be in Chinese characters. Special nouns, shall be noted that foreign language can be understood, have notes foreign language. Article IV of the application, set out the applicant’s name, address, my name and apply for volunteer. Each application, to apply for an invention is limited. Article 5 The specification shall be prepared in duplicate with the contents of which shall be sought to be correct and complete. In particular, the composition, manufacturing method, efficacy, and novelty of the invention should be pointed out to ensure that the examination of the invention has precise grounds. Article 6 The drawings shall be prepared in the same manner as the drawings, drawn in black ink drawing and drawn in accordance with the engineering drawing method. Article seventh sample bulky, can be attached to the model.
光天化日这下,医院教授被人残忍地刺杀46刀!而行凶者竟是被教授亲手医治的患者。是怎样的深仇大恨,会令人如此丧心病狂! In broad daylight, hospital professors were brutal