
来源 :小学生(教学实践) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiger5156
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插图是英语教材中经常出现的一种场景,它与文字共同作用,传递着与教材内容相关的知识信息。它不仅作为直观的视觉信息存在与教学中,同时包含了丰富的背景,能让学生在新奇的感受中收获英语知识和技能。因此,我们小学英语教师要善于利用小学英语教材中的插图,启发学生思考和理解英语这门新的语言,提升教学效率。基于此,本文就如何利用插图提升英语语篇教学效率谈一谈自己的看法。一、创设情境,引导学生融入课堂场景创设的意义在于给予学生一种真实的语言情景,能让他们在一种 Illustrations are often seen in English textbooks as a scenario that works with words to convey knowledge about the content of the textbook. It not only serves as an intuitive visual information presence and teaching, but also contains a rich background, allowing students to gain the knowledge and skills of English in the novelty of feeling. Therefore, our primary English teachers should be good at using illustrations in primary school English teaching materials to inspire their students to think and understand the new language of English so as to enhance their teaching efficiency. Based on this, this article will talk about my own views on how to improve the efficiency of English discourse teaching through illustrations. First, the creation of scenarios to guide students to integrate into the classroom The significance of the creation of scenes is to give students a real language scene, allowing them in a
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