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苏联化学家对于共产主义伟大建设的贡献,本期內已另有专文介绍(见23—25面)。在这篇文章里说明他们在对于金属锈蚀的斗争中,已获得很大的成就;在各种情况下,已能有效地防止由于锈蚀所致的损害。就建设方面言,金属的锈蚀是经济上的最大敌人之一,直到现在,可以说始终还没有有效的方法能予以克服。这是建设事业中的一个重大问题,特別在走向社会主义的新中国建设过程中,必须吸取先进的经验,大家积极动员起来,使人民事业推进到更新更高的阶段,对于这个问题的研究,更觉重要。这里就苏联化学家对于铜粉锈蚀的研究,作一介绍,藉供研究者之参考。苏联化学家Pomosov 等对于铜粉锈蚀的研究,最近有两篇专文发表,其一是“铵盐对于铜粉锈蚀的效应,刊登于苏联应用化学杂志(1951,24(7),720-722);”另一是“大气与铜粉的锈蚀”,刊登于ibid(723-726)。据他们的研究,铵盐的存在是铜或铜粉生锈的特別重要因素。氏曾研究氯化铵和碳酸铵两种盐类,对于铜生锈的效应,认为这种盐类在空气中即使不与其表面接触,但其锈蚀作用却都由生成盐类的酸的挥发性而定。他们于是扩大其研究范围至其他氨化合物,包括纯粹的卤化合物,醋酸盐类,硝酸盐类、碳酸盐类、硫酸盐类和磷酸盐类等,所用的检验材料是寻常的铜粉,含铜99.92%。锈蚀试验依下法进行:以铜粉置瓷盘中秤取2.5克,再将瓷盘置于容量为2.5竔的容器中,在另 Soviet chemists’ contributions to the great cause of communism have been specially described in this issue (see pages 23-25). In this article, it shows that they have achieved great success in the fight against metal corrosion; under all circumstances, the damage caused by corrosion has been effectively prevented. As far as construction is concerned, metal corrosion is one of the economic biggest enemies. Up to now, it can be said that there is still no effective way to overcome it. This is an important issue in the cause of construction. Especially in the process of building a new China that is going to socialism, we must learn from advanced experiences, mobilize everyone actively and advance the people’s cause to a newer and more advanced stage. As for the study of this issue, More important. Here for the Soviet chemists for copper corrosion, made an introduction, for reference by researchers. The Soviet chemist Pomosov et al. Studied copper corrosion, and recently published two monographs, one of which is “The Effect of Ammonium Salt on the Corrosion of Copper Powder, published in the Journal of Applied Chemistry of the Soviet Union (1951, 24 (7), 720-722) ; ”The other is“ Corrosion of the Atmosphere and Copper Powder, ”published in ibid (723-726). According to their research, the presence of ammonium salts is a particularly important factor in the rusting of copper or copper powder. Has studied two kinds of ammonium chloride and ammonium carbonate salts, rusting effect on copper that the salts in the air, even if not in contact with its surface, but its corrosion is due to the formation of salt acid volatility And set. They then expanded their research to other ammonia compounds, including pure halogen compounds, acetates, nitrates, carbonates, sulphates and phosphates. The test materials used were ordinary copper powders, copper 99.92%. Rust test carried out according to the following method: take copper powder set porcelain dish scale to take 2.5 grams, and then porcelain plate placed in a capacity of 2.5 竔 container, in another
在一个高性能车逐步放弃自然吸气发动机的时代,雷克萨斯毅然决然地将一台5.0L V8发动机塞进了这台RCF的体内,尽管也有人说它已经不再是时代的主角,但不管怎样,它终究还是重新