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  He wears many hats and seems to be extremely comfortable with whatever role he is playing at any given moment. He mocked himself as a first-rate interior designer, a second-rate hotel manager, a third-rate writer and a fourth-rate screen-writer. He is a senior executive of a state-owned hotel, and one of the richest writers in China. Obsessed with Huanghuali, he dreams of creating the one and only China Huanghuali Museum. He gives all he has for this purpose and is arguably the No.1 collector of Huanghuali in China. He loves nothing better than this mission.
  You know him. He is Haiyan, the celebrity who moves in and out of the circle of culture at ease.
  Recently, at the Rock Lounge of Kunlun Hotel in Beijing, U-Jet had the opportunity to have a look of this classy exclusive club. We then chatted with the designer Haiyan about Huanghuali.
  It all started at Yuanhenry
  Haiyan said that for him Huanghuali was a love-at-the-first-sight affair. 11 years ago, he and colleagues had been to Xianghe of Hebei to look at some Chinese furniture and passed by Yuanhenry Ming-Qing Furniture Store in Yansha on their way back. Friends tried to stop him, warning him Huanghuali could be addictive. “The more they said so, the more I wanted to see. They are right, I became addictive hopelessly, and the fascination refuses to go away even today.”
  “That was my first encounter with Huanghuali and it was irresistible. I fell in love with it, besotted with its history, its form, its concept and the entire aesthetics. I have been learning about it and gradually people in the circle heard of me,” recalled Haiyan
  Huanghuali is so incredibly measured, classy, standing on its own but never imposing in Haiyan’s eyes. The wood lends itself perfectly to simple, no-ornament yet elegant furniture. Traditional Chinese culture lovers invariably find Huanghuali furniture irresistible, and it is naturally recognized as the furniture for the cultivated. Today, Haiyan is a senior advisor for The Traditional Culture Committee of China Furniture Association, and the associate director of Wood Culture Stream of Chinese Culture Council, and a recognized Huanghuali expert.
  For the first few acquisitions, Haiyan had Ma Weidou to thank for. He bought a 400-year plus Ming long narrow table and then a newly-made one with typical flowing water pattern and peacock eyes called “ghost face”. “Ma Weidou said the 28 ghost faces are the 28 stars of the Galaxy. I also learned a lot from Yang Bo, the boss of Yuanhenry.” Haiyan’s infatuation with Huanghuali started from then and never ends.
  Now he has more than 400 pieces. Haiyan loves each one of his collections and cannot bring himself to name any favorites. He loves the unassuming shape and the lines of Ming furniture, the inspiration for modern minimalist western furniture. When he starts to talk about Huanghuali, Haiyan cannot stop. But who would have imagined that the businessman-cum-writer is bothered financially?
  Collection is all about auction and patience
  Haiyan told us the difficulties of obtaining every single piece of his collections. Sometimes he had to wait years for a particular item. For a collector, each lost opportunity is to be regretted for a long time. “Huanghuali is too addictive and I had to make a rule for myself – having with me only the cash for taxi when going for a viewing. This way, when I see something I like, I cannot do anything the first time. I will go again a week later. If I still cannot part with it, I will go again the week after with my wallet. But many times the second week I went, it was gone…” On the other hand, Haiyan sometimes had his luck. Once at an extremely competitive auction, he had no expectations, but it so happened that his fellow bidder was distracted by a phone call and the hammer struck at Haiyan’s bid.
  Haiyan became a celebrity and people started to alert him about collections and collectors. He could meet with owners to talk about a direct sale. Today raw Huanghuali is sold as high as Rmb20 to 30 million per ton, even Haiyan cannot afford it. He spotted a good new design and paid his down payment. He then had to find the cash and sometimes he had to delay payment.
  “I had no cash but the item could be gone soon. A shop labeled the piece ’sold to Haiyan’ and the owner would urge for payment. I had to reply I wasn’t in China. Sometimes it took me a couple of years to get the money and took delivery. But prices had gone up so much and the owner wouldn’t honor the original deal. For example, I bought a piece for 400,000 and the price went up to 1million two years later. The owner said to me there had been a buyer offering 800,000 so you had to make it up to me. I tried my best to get what I wanted.” There is a Chinese saying, “a hero can be at his wits’ end when he is short of even one penny”. Who could have imagined Mr. Haiyan’s forced cunningness to acquire a piece of Huanghuali?
   “There is culture in Chinese furniture. I look at a piece, and each time I discover something new, and I feel something new. The ultimate hermit lives in city centre. Haiyan the hermit lives in antiques.”
   Haiyan teased that Huanghaui was his medicine for his minor depression. “I was very disconnected for a while and the doctor diagnosed minor depression. If one has a passion, it kills your illness more effectively than drugs.”
  Zhang Bojun the legend tried to sell his courtyard for a famous painting. His wife refused to give him money and he resorted to lying on the ground in a tantrum. Haiyan said he started to understand this sort of behavior after he became a collector himself.
  A museum to complete what the master had left off
  With more than 400 pieces in his collections, Haiyan is preparing the first Huanghuali museum in Shunyi. The building is going through some heating works and U-Jet regretfully didn’t see Haiyan’s collections.
  Haiyan told U-Jet the museum was still being planned and would be built over several phases. There will be an immersion section, just as Wang Shixiang, the mater of antique research and collections intended. Haiyan respected master Wang very much. Wang had seen many Huanghuali items all over the world. He hoped that there would be a museum displaying precious furniture in a Ming or Qing style house, and recreating the way people lived in those times.
  “Visitors see not only the beauty of furniture, but also the way our forefathers lived their lives, their superb taste. When westerners were at the stage of island and nomadic civilizations, we Chinese had already created high level of life philosophy and taste. An American foundation was willing to help Master Wang and even bought a piece of land in San Francisco. Wang inspected it and was satisfied with it. Unfortunately the project didn’t pull off due of financial issues and Wang had passed away.” Haiyan is very keen to carry the torch forward.
  He planned to build the museum to recreate the way ancient people lived. There will be an immersion sector. Visitors can sleep on a Huanghuali bed, have a meal on a Huanghuali table, drink tea and watch a Chinese opera.
  Haiyan isn’t thinking of making money by running a club. The museum focuses on exhibitions. Precious furniture will be accessible to visitors. Investments will be huge to build a Ming or Qing building and craftsmen are hard to come by. Haiyan studies architectural design, landscaping, color painting tirelessly himself. He said frankly that this is a cultural project and he needed to find investors as well as loans. He doesn’t expect profits.
   “If it is profitable, many people will chase me. But now we will have to rely on true cultural champions who are not in it for money.” Haiyan has been in business and culture communities for years and knows deeply the conflicts between profit-seeking and cultural pursuits.”
  Traditional culture:
  carry it forward
  For his dream of a Huanghuali museum, Haiyan doesn’t sell any one of his large collections, although he occasionally trades certain items to optimize his collections.
  He told U-Jet that he would ask prospective investors into the museum whether they were in it for profits or for public good. Any mentioning of return would be a show stopper. “There are enough charity organizations, but very few on cultural heritage. People don’t understand why I throw all that I have to do a task beyond my means.”
  Haiyan moves around in many communities and he sees culture in a very deep and different way. He thinks Chinese culture is experiencing a crisis of being marginalized. We might say “the more vernacular, the more global.” But what has been proven over decades is that western civilization still prevails.
  “I was awarded ‘Cultural Men of the Year’ in 2009 and gave a speech at the award ceremony. In any one of the Chinese cities and towns, young people love western songs, food, films and brands. If a Chinese doesn’t like traditional culture and doesn’t know much about it, will he or she truly love this country? The young don’t understand our nation and we have to carry cultural heritage forward.” Haiyan added, “When visitors come to our museum, they will see the beauty of traditional Chinese culture. They will then respect the Chinese nation and the Chinese people. I think it very important. I am thinking, it is not enough for me to love Chinese culture, I want to share it with others, just the way I write novels and scripts, to share my feelings. I hope more people can join to safeguard our cultural heritage.”
  A Chinese painting collector participated in an overseas auction with a lot of money but still failed to get the painting he desired. But he said he was happy. During the auction, the painting legally belonged to him for a short second. He loved the painting since he was a child, wanted to touch it and bring it back to China. “That’s what collection is all about,” commented Haiyan in a measured tone.
三月的北京春寒料峭,大多数高尔夫球场仍在关门谢客。但有一处却  绿意盎然,不受季节干扰。这就是北京都市名人高尔夫俱乐部室内教学中心。  这里设备齐全,拥有打位、推杆果岭、沙坑、模拟器、工房、咖啡厅等。  让您在冬歇期仍可以自由挥杆,在专业教练的辅导下提高技术水平。  该俱乐部是目前国内最为完善的大型室内高尔夫练习馆之一。俱乐部设有5条打位,全部配备V1挥杆分析系统,不但加深球员对高尔夫的认识,还使
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11年前,翟家华以8.5亿元的个人资产成为《福布斯》“2001年度中国大陆100首富企业家”的上榜富豪。现在,作为中国善尔健康集团董事局主席的翟家华已拥有两架庞巴迪公务机,“我的计划目标是拥有5架公务机,我是真正把公务机用于事业发展,真正把它用活了。”翟家华告诉《私人飞机》。  The ex-Japanese prime minister had a treat  On August 11, 20
“在澳大利亚,初学者很多是小孩和青少年,成年人不太常见。”当被问及中国学习高尔夫的人群和外国有什么不同时,西蒙·威斯顿如是说。  作为亚洲最大室内高尔夫运动中心——都市名人高尔夫俱乐部的教学中心的PGA教练,威斯顿在中国已经工作了5年,5年的在华执教经历也使他能更清楚地认识高尔夫运动在华的情况,作为一位拥有AAA PGA等级的高球教练,为学员提供最专业的高球培训成了他始终的坚持。   高尔夫球在澳
2006年是一个价值推动型牛市,2007年是一个资金驱动型牛市,但2008年这两个因素似乎都不具备,而且困境重重。内外经济环境充满不确定性、上市公司的估值水平不具备足够的吸引力、大小非解禁压力、再融资和新股 IPO的压力及信贷压力并存。    但是,2008年的股市还有一个很值得期待的投资亮点,那就是重组。一批上市公司通过并购重组实现了行业整合、整体上市和增强控制权等做优做强的目的,同时也催生了一
重组历来是市场中最为热门的炒作题材,且重组往往使一家公司出现脱胎换骨的变化,投资价值大幅提升,所以重组板块在二级市场上春风得意,炒作空间也比其他个股要广阔。可见,在今年调整震荡的行情中,重组将是2008年中国证券市场的第一大主题投资,就是重组,重组盛宴正在拉开帷幕。     政策极力扶持重组    自从中国股市在1990年12月19日开张以来,年年都有重组的行情,重组一直是股市不灭的热点。当然,重
这里是英国威廉王子新婚蜜月度假圣地,被国际旅游杂志评选为拥有“全球最美丽海滩”的塞舌尔(Seychelles)。它坐落在东部非洲印度洋上,由115个花岗岩岛和珊瑚岛组成。三种文化的交融,造就了如今肤色各异却又和睦相处的塞舌尔克里奥民族。  塞舌尔国土面积455平方公里,人口约8.5万,当地一半以上国土都是自然保护区。这里除了拥有美丽迷人的沙滩、世界一流的酒店和独一无二的海椰子树之外,还拥有体积大过
在北京T3航站楼的东北方向约2公里处,有一个马术俱乐部,其实在北京,类似这样的马术俱乐部有很多。在仍然很寒冷的早春2月,走进这家叫风度马汇的俱乐部时,这里并没有想象中的冷清,除了充满生机与活力的氛围,还有70多匹骏马的潇洒身影与温和眼神。  似乎没有人会对马这种动物产生反感,它们温良、忠诚、俊逸,从无怨言。其实,在每个人心底,都曾向往在草原上纵马驰骋。驾驶飞机、钓鱼、爬山、击剑、耕田、出海、骑马、
这是革命后古巴最知名最昂贵的品牌。它的故事也带着浓郁的传奇色彩。  昵称“奇哥”(Chicho)的比昂文尼多·培瑞兹是卡斯特罗的侍卫长,1963年奇哥拿了一只朋友艾杜阿多·黎维拉自己卷的雪茄给卡斯特罗,卡斯特罗一抽大为欣赏,要求黎维拉多卷些。1964年,郊外一所乡村俱乐部的旧址,开始当作这雪茄的工厂,同年也开始用这种雪茄当作致赠外国政要的礼物。这雪茄起初没有名字,标签主要是以白底色,加上椭圆形的框