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在治理整顿期间,煤炭价格改革宜采取如下措施: 1、改革煤炭质量差价,对煤炭产品实行按质论价。这主要是改变煤炭质量差价计价方法,对动力煤应按热值计价,同时拉开工业煤和动力煤以及各种规格煤的差价幅度。这种新的计价方法原来只在4个单位试点,1987年已扩大到28个单位,建议在全国推行。既可在一定程度上推动优质煤的生产,增加供给,同时又可促进节能,抑制需求。2、扩大煤炭的地区差价。由于我国煤炭资源分布不平衡,有些省份是煤炭净调出区;有些是净调入区。现行的地区差价加价幅度太小,以致煤炭销地同质不同价,造成净调入区煤炭供应长期偏紧。应尽快科学地制定各地区的价差,逐步实现销地同质同价。 During the process of rectification and rectification, the coal price reform should adopt the following measures: 1. Reform of the coal quality price difference, and the application of quality price to coal products. This is mainly to change the coal price difference pricing method, thermal coal should be caloric value, while pulling the difference between industrial coal and thermal coal and various specifications of coal. This new pricing method was originally piloted in only 4 units, and it has been expanded to 28 units in 1987 and is proposed to be implemented nationwide. It can not only promote the production of high-quality coal to a certain extent, increase supply, but also promote energy conservation and curb demand. 2, expand the regional price of coal. Due to the unbalanced distribution of coal resources in China, some provinces are net coal redeployment zones; some are net transfer zones. The current regional price increase is too small, resulting in a homogenous price for coal sales, resulting in a long-term tight supply of coal in the net transfer area. It is necessary to scientifically formulate price differences in various regions as soon as possible, and gradually achieve the same quality of sales.
Situated on several former royal gardens of the Qing Dynasty,surrounded by a few historical sites in northwest Beijing,is the campus of Tsinghua University.The
When given half a glass of water, an optimist, or someone who tends to think positively about things and sees the world as a good place, will probably notice wh
托马斯·杰斐逊能阅读希腊语、拉丁语、法语和英语。约翰·昆西·亚当斯习惯在日出前两小时起床,到波托马可河中裸泳。安德鲁·杰克逊是唯一在决斗中取人性命的总统。 Thoma