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茶黑跗跟天牛(Chreoama Atritarsis Pic)分布我省各茶区,闽东一年发生一代,成虫于4月中旬始见,5月盛见,4月下旬始产卵,产卵时首先咬主枝树皮成“”形缝,后产一粒于其中。5月上中旬幼虫开始孚化,5月下旬至6月上、中旬为孚化盛期;幼虫先绕蛀皮层一圈多,后蛀入木质部,再向上蛀食髓部,皮层被绕蛀处渐形节状肿瘤,次年8月上、中 Tea Chalkidon and the genus Cerambycidae (Chreoama Atritarsis Pic) distribution of tea in our province, Fujian a generation occurs a year, adult in mid-April saw it, May Sheng, in late April spawning, spawning first biting Main branch bark into “” shaped seam, after producing a grain in them. In mid-May, the larvae began to flourish. From late May to June, the middle part was the peak of the incubation period. The larvae first lapped the larva for more than one circle and then erupted into the xylem. Progressive nodular tumor, the following year in August, in
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据初步调查,我省苹果食心虫主要是梨小食心虫(Grapholitha molesta Busck),我省蓬溪、南川、成都、金堂、理县、汶川、茂汶等县、市均有发生。梨小以幼虫蛀食苹果、梨、桃,
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怎么样让库管人员把“口说无凭,认单不认人”的库管铁率铭记 在心,不敢片刻怠慢,这其实很考验老板的另类智慧。 在仓库管理员领第一个月薪水的时候,只给他一半的工资,当他 气
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现在看来似乎令人难以置信 ,但事实是 2 5年前几乎没有专门针对女性健康问题的研究。人们认为 ,除了与生育相关的问题外 ,女性在健康知识、保健措施以及疾病治疗等方面似乎与
我县柳树经常遭到柳瘿蚊 Rhabdophaga sp.危害,幼虫在树的皮层和形成层吸取汁液,形成局部膨大——虫瘿,俗称“纺线筒”、“牛火腿”。柳树被害率可达25.6—43.5%。我们对此虫