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经营者达成并实施限制竞争的垄断协议行为,是各国反垄断法律重点规制的经济性垄断行为之一。2016年2月,国家发改委发布了对国内五家药企达成别嘌醇片垄断协议案的行政处罚决定。对照中国《反垄断法》第46条对垄断协议行为行政责任的规定,国家发改委的处罚决定存在罚款比例和数额过低、没收违法所得处罚缺失和缺乏对违法行为的结果有效纠正措施等问题,致使《反垄断法》规制违法垄断行为的立法规范和立法目的在具体个案中不能实现。有鉴于此,应当加强中国三大反垄断执法机关之间的协调,统一反垄断执法的理念;制定具体的、合理的罚款标准和没收违法所得的认定标准,指导反垄断执法机关的反垄断执法工作;细化具体的违法垄断行为不良后果的救济措施。通过以上三个方面的工作,进一步规范和完善中国的反垄断执法,形成对实施垄断违法行为经营者的有效威慑,保护消费者的利益。 Operators to reach and implement the monopoly agreement to limit competition is one of the economic monopoly behavior of the key regulation of the anti-monopoly laws of various countries. In February 2016, the National Development and Reform Commission released the decision on the administrative sanctions for the case that all five domestic pharmaceutical companies reached an agreement on monophenol monoply. According to Article 46 of the Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law, which stipulates the administrative liability for monopoly agreements, the proportion and amount of fines imposed by NDRC’s penalties, the lack of penalties for the confiscation of illegal gains and the lack of effective corrective measures for the results of illegal activities, The legislative norms and legislative purposes that led to the “Anti-monopoly Law” regulating the monopoly of illegal activities can not be realized in any particular case. In view of this, the coordination among the three major antitrust law enforcement agencies in China should be strengthened to unify the concept of antitrust enforcement; formulate specific and reasonable fines standards and criteria for confiscation of illegal income, and guide antitrust enforcement by antitrust law enforcement agencies Work; detailed relief actions specific to the adverse consequences of monopolistic behavior. Through the above three aspects of work, we will further standardize and improve China’s anti-monopoly law enforcement and form an effective deterrent to those who monopolize the illegal operation, so as to protect the interests of consumers.
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