
来源 :吉林人大 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miaoloveyun
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为了增强常委会任命工作的民主公开程度,近日,吉林市人大常委会审议通过了《吉林市人大常委会关于任命审判和检察人员实行任前公示制的办法》。该办法规定,市中级人民法院、市人民检察院、市中级人民法院分院、吉林省人民检察院吉林林区分院提请任命的审判人员、检察人员,在市人大常委会会议审议前,通过本市报纸、电视、广播等新闻媒体,将拟任命人员的具体情况及现任职务和拟任职务等向社会公示。对社 In order to enhance the openness of the democratic appointment for the appointment of the Standing Committee, the Standing Committee of the Jilin Municipal People's Congress recently passed the “Measures for Appointing the Former Public Disclosure System for Appointing Trial and Procuratorial Personnel by the Standing Committee of Jilin City.” The approach stipulates that judges and procurators appointed by the municipal intermediate people's courts, the municipal people's procuratorates, the municipal intermediate people's courts branches and the Jilin Forest Branch of Jilin Provincial People's Procuratorate shall, before the deliberations of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, pass the newspapers of this Municipality, Television, radio and other news media. The specific circumstances of the persons to be appointed and the present and proposed positions shall be publicized to the public. To society
A socialist legal system with distinct Chinese features has taken shape in 2010 as required by the general objective of the “rule of law” strategy and legisla
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张含是明代云南永昌的著名文学家,其山水诗或描绘独特的边境之景,或抒发怀才不遇的幽愤,或表现忧国忧民的情怀,或抒发回归山林的乐趣,内容丰富,表现出独特的个性特征。 Zhan