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10月13日,’2005嘉善县科技合作交流会暨嘉善科技创业服务中心落成仪式在科创中心综合孵化楼前隆重举行。来自中国科学院、清华大学、浙江省知识产权局和嘉兴市、浙江清华长三角研究院、嘉善县等有关领导、专家参加了落成仪式并为中心落成剪彩。嘉善县委书记、县人大常委会主任高玲慧表示,希望通过本次活动,促进各地高校、科研院所对嘉善的全面了解.进一步加强联系和合作,促成更多的科技成果在嘉善开花结果,转化为现实生产力。她指出,在集中展示近年来嘉善县对外科技合作和高新技术发展的成果的同时,要广泛宣传科技在推动经济社会发展中所取得的成就,为科技项目的对接、合作搭建良好平台,为广大科技工作者和企业的科技合作交流创造条件。进一步加快嘉善县科技进步和科技创新步伐,促进经济结构的调整和经济增长方式的转变。据悉,嘉善县科技创业服务中心是由嘉善县人民政府全额投资的公益型科技机构。中心占地面积75324m~2,总投资1.6亿元。规划建筑面积63000m~2,其中孵化用房45000m~2。一期投资5500万元,建设孵化用房30000m~2。自2004年10月第一家企业入驻后,浙江清华长三角研究院生物技术与生物医药研究所、上海交通大学技术转移中心嘉善分中心、凯瑞生化(嘉善)有限公司等一批企业入驻科创中心。到目前为止,已有42个项目签约。其中31家已经办 On October 13, 2005, Jiashan County Science and Technology Cooperation Conference and Jiashan Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Service Center were held in front of the Integrated Incubator Building. Relevant leaders and experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang Provincial Intellectual Property Office and Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Tsinghua Yangtze River Delta Research Institute and Jiashan County attended the ceremony and cut the ribbon for the completion of the center. Ms. Gao Linghui, secretary of Jiashan County Committee and director of the County People’s Congress, expressed the hope that through this activity, I hope to promote a comprehensive understanding of Jiashan by universities and research institutes across the country and further strengthen contacts and cooperation so as to bring about more scientific and technological achievements to blossom in Jiashan, Real productivity. She pointed out that while focusing on the achievements of scientific and technological cooperation and high-tech development in Jiashan County in recent years, it is necessary to widely publicize the achievements made by science and technology in promoting economic and social development and establish a good platform for the docking and cooperation of science and technology projects. Science and technology workers and enterprises to create conditions for cooperation and exchange of science and technology. Further accelerate the scientific and technological progress and scientific and technological innovation in Jiashan County, and promote the adjustment of economic structure and the transformation of economic growth mode. It is reported that Jiashan County Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Service Center by Jiashan County People’s Government full investment in public welfare science and technology institutions. Center covers an area of ​​75324m ~ 2, a total investment of 160 million yuan. Planning construction area of ​​63000m ~ 2, of which 45000m ~ 2 hatching room. An investment of 55 million yuan, the construction of incubation houses 30000m ~ 2. Since the first enterprise settled in October 2004, a batch of enterprises such as Biotechnology and Biomedicine Institute of Yangtze River Delta Research Institute of Zhejiang Province, Jiashan Branch Center of Technology Transfer Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Kerry Biochemical (Jiashan) Co., Ltd., Create a center. So far, 42 projects have been signed. 31 of them already do
本文分析了我国成品油零售市场的现状及两大国有石油集团公司在市场中的作用 ,探讨了我国成品油销售市场的发展趋势 ,提出两大国有石油集团公司做强的对策。