73091部队 聚焦战斗力标准 发挥生命线作用

来源 :军队政工理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mm109700
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73091部队深入学习贯彻全军政治工作会议精神,紧紧围绕中心,聚焦战斗力标准,结合担负军区模拟蓝军和遂行多样化军事任务实际,坚持理论灌注铸牢思想根基,秉承弘扬传统锻造优良作风,紧贴时代要求发展先进文化,扎实开展战时政治工作准备,有效发挥政治工作服务保证作用。近年来,部队风气建设更加纯洁,官兵关系更加和谐,战斗力稳步提高。先后完成20多场次实兵对抗演习、军区后装保障行动演练等任务,被四总部、军区表彰为军事训练一级单位、基层 In accordance with the spirit of focusing on the center and focusing on combat effectiveness standards, combining with the actual military mission of militarily assimilating the Blue Army and carrying out diversified military tasks, the armed forces insist on perfecting the ideological foundation of the theory of casting caster and adhering to the principle of promoting traditional fine workmanship, Clinging to the times calls for the development of advanced culture, solidly prepares for political work in wartime, and effectively serves as a service guarantee for political work. In recent years, the military ethos has been more purely constructed, the relations between officers and soldiers have been more harmonious, and the combat effectiveness has steadily risen. He has successively completed more than 20 missions such as field-armed confrontation exercises and military rear-relief support operations and was honored as a military training unit by the four headquarters and the military region. The grassroots units
论述工程项目内部成本控制的核心问题以及主要控制措施。 Discuss the core issues of the internal project cost control and the main control measures.
本文从6个方面阐述了施工阶段的项目成本控制。 This article describes the project cost control in the construction phase from six aspects.
一座建筑,透过历史的眼睛向人们诉说着过去的沧海桑田。上海这座城市,曾是西方人乐园,曾经有过让国人不堪回首的经历。其实,历史是一面镜子,以史为鉴,才能开创未来。 A buil