
来源 :北京党史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fyps
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(1949年4月16日)一、根据党的二中全会决议的精神,目前党的工作重心已由乡村转移到城市。城市工作的中心任务则是恢复与发展生产。现在我们在北平已经顺利地完成了各项接收工作,已经初步地建立了革命的政治秩序与经济秩序,并在群众中进行了一些组织与教育工作... (April 16, 1949) I. According to the spirit of the resolution of the Second Plenary Session of the Party, at present, the party’s center of gravity has been shifted from the countryside to the cities. The central task of urban work is to restore and develop production. Now that we have successfully completed the reception work in Peiping, we have initially established a revolutionary political order and economic order and conducted some organizational and educational work among the masses ...