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再入飞行器的标称攻角在弹道规划以及飞行器覆盖能力分析中起到重要作用,由于再入飞行中气动加热严重,过载和动压约束严格,给标称攻角的设计带来很大困难.针对弹道射面内最大纵程和最小总热载荷问题,在考虑热流、动压和过载约束下分别进行标称飞行攻角的优化设计.首先将过程约束转化为对控制量攻角的约束,将需要优化的标称攻角通过分段线性函数参数化,把最优控制问题转化为4个参数的寻优问题,然后利用遗传算法获得参数的初始猜想,并设计序列二次规划(SQP,Sequential Quadratic Programming)算法求解.仿真结果显示该方法能够快速获取再入标称飞行攻角,为再入轨迹优化和制导总体设计提供参考. The nominal angle of attack of the reentry vehicle plays an important role in the trajectory planning and the analysis of the aircraft coverage ability. Due to severe aerodynamic heating during reentry flight and severe overload and dynamic pressure constraints, it brings great difficulty to the design of the nominal angle of attack Aiming at the problem of maximum longitudinal and minimum total heat load in ballistic shot surface, the optimal design of the nominal flight angle of attack is separately considered under the constraints of heat flow, dynamic pressure and overload.Firstly, the process constraint is transformed into the constraint of the control angle of attack , The optimal nominal angle of attack needed to be optimized is parameterized by piecewise linear function, and the optimal control problem is transformed into the optimization problem of four parameters. Then, the initial guess of parameters is obtained by genetic algorithm, and the quadratic programming (SQP , Sequential Quadratic Programming (PCA) algorithm.The simulation results show that this method can quickly obtain the re-entry nominal flight angle of attack and provide reference for re-entry trajectory optimization and guidance design.
1 灌区泥沙处理现状赵口引黄灌区位于黄河南岸,兴建于70年代初期,地跨郑州、开封两市,控制面积23.5万hm~2,设计灌溉面积15.3万hm~2,远期规划可扩展至周口地区和许昌市,增加
When only data transmission signals with a bandwidth of 1 MHz exist in the rover, the position can be obtained using the differential group delay data of the sa
为了研究热等离子点火器在超燃冲压发动机中的应用,在来流马赫数2.0工况下,针对乙烯和氢气两种燃料,进行了超燃环境中等离子体点火的试验和仿真研究.在来流总温1500~1950 K,燃