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那天晚上,在上海工作的秦洪兵和父亲通了很久的电话。通话快结束时,父亲的声音里难掩失望。秦洪兵在山西老家还有一个弟弟,为结婚打算贷款买房,父亲希望秦洪兵拿出10万元帮弟弟凑首付。这似乎不是难事,秦洪兵在上海一家合资企业已经工作六七年,职位做到总监,每月税后收入2万元。但秦洪兵说:“我没有钱。”他真没钱。秦洪兵说,自己和妻子每月的合计收入是2.4万元,在上海这个大城市,去掉房贷、车贷、子 That night, Qin Hongbing and his father worked in Shanghai for a long time on the phone. At the end of the call, his father’s voice was disillusioned. Qin Hongbing also had a younger brother in his hometown of Shanxi and planned to buy a house for his marriage. His father hoped Qin Hongbing would come up with 100,000 yuan to help his younger brother to pay for the loan. This seems not difficult, Qin Hongbing a joint venture in Shanghai has been working for six or seven years, the post to do the director, the monthly after-tax income 20,000 yuan. But Qin Hongbing said: “I do not have money. ” He really has no money. Qin Hongbing said he and his wife’s monthly total income is 24,000 yuan in Shanghai, the big city, remove the mortgage, car loan, child