
来源 :临床耳鼻咽喉科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyouzhang033
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目的:研究卡铂损害灰鼠耳蜗内毛细胞(IHCs)的模式,即IHCs何时出现缺损、给药后不同时间基底膜上IHCs缺损的范围、基底膜上IHCs最大缺损部位以及致绝大部分IHCs缺损所需时间等。方法:对成年灰鼠采用一次性卡铂腹腔注射(100mg/kg),给药后不同时间处死动物,常规制备耳蜗铺片和耳蜗图,以定量观察灰鼠耳蜗毛细胞的缺损情况。结果:注射卡铂后从24h~3个月,灰鼠的外毛细胞基本无缺损。IHCs损伤模式的特征:①注射卡铂后24h耳蜗毛细胞完整无损,IHCs从注药后第3天开始出现缺损;②从注射卡铂后3d到3个月期间,IHCs的最大缺损率均出现在第1回和第2回交界处;③IHCs缺损从第1回和第2回交界处开始,范围逐渐向底回和顶回扩展,与顶回相比,底回的IHCs缺损出现早且更严重;④至注射后3个月基底膜上IHCs的缺损呈平坦型。结论:100mg/kg卡铂腹腔注射对各回IHCs的破坏是不均等的,对卡铂的敏感度不一致可能造成了各回IHCs缺损在时间上的差异。 OBJECTIVE: To study the mode of injury of cardiomyocytes induced by carboplatin in rat’s cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs), that is, when the defects of IHCs appear, the extent of IHCs defect in basilar membrane at different time after administration, the maximal defect of IHCs in basilar membrane, IHCs defects such as the time required. Methods: Adult squirrel was treated with intraperitoneal injection of carboplatin (100mg / kg). Animals were sacrificed at different times after administration. Cochlear implants and cochlear implants were routinely prepared to quantitatively observe the defects of cochlear hair cells in squirrels. Results: From 24 h to 3 months after injection of carboplatin, the outer hair cells of squirrels were almost free of defects. The characteristics of IHCs injury patterns: ① 24h after injection of carboplatin cochlear hair cells intact, IHCs began to appear after 3 days from the injection of defects; ② from 3 to 3 months after injection of carboplatin, the maximum defect rate of IHCs appeared At the junction between the first and the second back; ③IHCs defect from the first back and the second back junction, the scope of the bottom and back to the bottom gradually extended, compared with the top back, the back of IHCs defect appeared earlier and more Serious; ④ to 3 months after injection basement membrane IHCs defects were flat. Conclusion: The intraperitoneal injection of 100mg / kg carboplatin is not equal to the destruction of IHCs. The inconsistency of sensitivity to carboplatin may result in the time difference of IHCs defects.
4月20日,四川雅安市芦山县地震突发,IBM志愿者团队和公益组织连夜参与开发了益云雅安救灾地图应用和手机救援APP“益云信号弹”。被困者可通过手机发送自己的精准位置,帮助救援人员获知求救信息。  志愿者,在IBM是一个充满行动力的称谓。“我们只是发挥了自己的科技专长。”IBM中国品牌及企业社会责任部总经理耿晨这样告诉记者,“一个企业能够把最核心的能力、业务的本质与社会责任紧紧地捆绑和融合在一起,是