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泰国是我年青时代生活和工作过的地方。去年5月下旬和8月中旬,应亲友们的邀请,取道香港前往参观访问,在泰国逗留了两个半月,受到亲友、旧日同事和学生们的热情接待,并在他们的安排下,同各界人士进行了广泛的接触,参观了学校、工厂和农场,游览了名胜古迹,现将在泰的行踪和见闻报道如后。迅速发展的经济我离开泰国已三十四年,这次重访,前后对比,惊叹泰国的经济建设的发展迅速。工矿企业过去只有碾米、酿酒、采矿、炼胶和卷烟,现在汽车修配、建筑、纺织、罐头、石油化工、集成电路等都有了。泰国原是农业国,稻谷闻名于世,其首都曼谷是世界三大米市之一。渔业资源丰富,养殖业很发达,鱼、虾远销新加坡、日本等国。经济作物以甘蔗种植发展最快, Thailand is where I lived and worked in my youth. At the invitation of relatives and friends at the end of May and the middle of last year, he visited Hong Kong on his invitation and spent two and a half months in Thailand. He was warmly received by his relatives and friends, colleagues from the old days and students, and with their arrangements, People from all walks of life carried out extensive contacts, visited schools, factories and farms and visited places of interest and monuments. Now they will report on the whereabouts of Thailand and what they have heard. The Rapid Development of Economy After leaving Thailand for 34 years, this re-visit contrasts with the rapid development of Thailand’s economic construction. In the past, industrial and mining enterprises only used rice milling, brewing, mining, rubber mixing and cigarettes, and now they have auto repair, construction, textile, canning, petrochemicals and integrated circuits. Thailand was originally an agricultural country, where rice is famous for its capital, Bangkok, which is one of the three largest rice markets in the world. Rich in fishery resources, aquaculture is well developed, fish, shrimp exported to Singapore, Japan and other countries. Economic crops to the fastest growing sugar cane cultivation,
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于痫病人剖腹产麻醉方法的选择众说不一。作者随中国医疗队,在非洲桑给巴尔共和国MNAZI MMOJA医院工作期间,从1999年6月~2000年4月在临床中对32例子痫病人剖腹产,均采用气管