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随着现代信息社会的发展,科技人员越来越依赖从互联网获取信息资料,期刊网络化是大势所趋。期刊网络版相对印刷版有传播速度快、覆盖范围广的优势。过刊的资源优势越来越明显,其特殊的文献资料价值也越来越被重视和利用。但过刊的丰富的信息与低利用率之间却存在着矛盾。其原因或许在于获取过刊信息不甚便捷。因此,有必要在《学报临床版》网络采编平台建立、制作并不断完善过刊网络版。本刊网络版内容包括1994—2012年73期杂志1 650篇文章,分目录和正文。历经印刷版过刊的收集、信息处理、整理、校对、分批录入等阶段完成网络版制作。读者可免费阅读下载。此举可以方便读者获取过刊信息,提高过刊的利用率,让《学报临床版》过刊在其生命周期中对知识传播发挥出最大的利用效益,也是推进《学报临床版》的网络化建设进程、促进期刊发展的重要举措,更有利于遵循大数据时代创新思维理念办刊,促进期刊可持续发展。 With the development of modern information society, science and technology personnel rely more and more on obtaining information materials from the internet. Journal online version of the relative print version of the spread speed, coverage of a wide range of advantages. The advantage of overdue resources is more and more obvious, and the value of its special literature is paid more and more attention. However, there is a contradiction between the rich information and the low utilization rate of the past. The reason may be that getting past information is not easy. Therefore, it is necessary in the “Journal of clinical” network editing platform to create, produce and continue to improve the online edition. This online edition includes 1650 articles in 73 issues from 1994 to 2012, sub-directories and texts. After the print edition over the collection, information processing, collation, proofreading, batch entry and other stages of online production. Readers can read the download for free. This method can help readers to obtain the overdue information and improve the utilization of the overdue, so that the journals of Clinical Science can play the most effective use of knowledge in its life cycle, and also promote the network of Journal Clinical Edition Construction process, and promote the development of journals important initiatives, but also conducive to follow the concept of innovative thinking in the big data era of running journals to promote sustainable development.
本文从力学背景的角度出发,着重对API-AISC规范体系作一介绍,同时对API-AISC体系与我国体系的主要差别作一简要的说明。 From the perspective of mechanics background, th
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