
来源 :今日四川 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:camelwin2000
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The 5th China Art Festival was held in Chengdu from Octber 25 to November 5. This art festival which is the last of this century, featured the emergence of new artistic talent. Programs enacted, displayed at the festival included plays, some of which were the recipients of many awards. There were new works representing the current artistic standards in China. Participants were from art groups all over the country, including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign art groups. During the festival there were 107 performances, 26 of which were performed in factories, townships and villages. The total audience for these performances was 1. 5 million. The festival was a great success in being asscssable to the ordinary people of the city. The 5th China Art Festival was held in Chengdu from Octber 25 to November 5. This art festival which is the last of this century, featured the emergence of new artistic talent. Programs enacted, displayed at the festival included plays, some of which were the There were new works presenting the current artistic standards in China. Participants were from the art groups all over the country, including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign art groups. During the festival there were 107 performances, 26 of which The total audience for these performances was 1. 5 million. The total was for great achievements in being asscssable to the ordinary people of the city.
Objective: To explore the expression of c-Met mRNA in nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC) and its relation with clinical biological behavior. Methods: In situ hybri
卵巢上皮性癌(卵巢癌)位居女性生殖系统恶性肿瘤死亡率首位,传统的治疗手段如手术、化疗及放疗等均不能显著改善患者的预后.光动力学治疗(photodynamic therapy,PDT)作为一种新的高选择性肿瘤治疗方法,有望成为卵巢癌新的辅助治疗手段.血卟啉单甲醚(hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether,HMME)是国产第二代光敏剂,具有光敏化力强,肿瘤特异摄入率高,毒副作用
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