五月,正是春意勃发、万物葱茏的季节,老年朋友不妨登高一试。在中国的山水中素有“三山五岳”之称,而泰山作为“五岳”之首,是众山里最雄伟壮丽的一座。中国古代有许多文人墨客在此留下千古绝唱,唐代诗圣杜甫就曾写下“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的诗句。这里山势高绝、古迹众多,是旅游者首选的佳地。而与泰山毗邻的曲阜是春秋时期大儒孔子的故乡,也是这一线旅游中必游之地。 泰山地处我国东部,主峰叫玉柱峰,海拔1524米。它以雄伟壮丽、气势磅礴的特点吸引着中外游人。在中国东部的大平原上,泰山以其雄浑的山势耸立在天地之
May, it is the spring of erudition, all the verdant season, elderly friends may wish to ascend a try. In the Chinese landscape known as the “three mountains and five mountains,” said Tarzan as “the Five Sacred Mountains,” the first, is the most magnificent mountain one. In ancient China, many writers and scholars left eternal songs in this era. In the Tang Dynasty, the poem Du Fu once wrote the poem “Will be extremely Ling, at a glance of small hills.” Here high mountain must, many monuments, is the preferred destination for tourists. And adjacent to Taishan Qufu Confucianism is the hometown of Confucianism in Spring and Autumn Period, but also this must-see tour of the land. Taishan is located in eastern China, the main peak called Yuzhu Feng, 1524 meters above sea level. It majestic, magnificent features to attract Chinese and foreign tourists. On the Great Plains in eastern China, Mount Taishan stands with its majestic mountains in the sky