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最近有关搜狐和奥运会之间的新闻层出不穷,大体说来,作为奥运会历史上第一家以互联网赞助商身份出现的搜狐,在改变了赞助商不允许在互联网上投放奥运主题广告这一“潜规则”的同时,却被指责为垄断——因为解禁之后的赞助商们只能在搜狐网上投放奥运主题广告。且不论这件事情谁是谁非,单单看北京奥组委在整件事情中对于互联两广告的小心翼翼的态度,我们可以得出两个结论:一是互联网广告还没有脱掉“新生事物”的帽子,所以被区别对待;二是有关机构预测2007年国内网络广告收入将超过10亿美元,这一预期数字显然刺激到了很多人,包括奥运赞助商。不过,在现在的广告人眼里,互联网广告这一称呼已经显得有些过时与笼统,他们津津乐道于分众传媒的成功经验、内置广告的可行性、精准营销所带来的长远转变等。事实上,在互联网的冲击下,旧有的广告行业正在解体,新兴的广告人们正在思考如何淘金,从最早的广而告之到最新的精准广告,广告形式也发生着翻天覆地的变化。有人说,这是新广告革命,也有人说,这一切意味着广告正在从内容进化转向形式进化,未来的胜负当取决于谁占据了新的广告平台。或许在这个问题上本没有谁对谁错之分,在尘埃落定之前,评论新广告还为时尚早。我们能看到的,也不过是新广告在前进!前进!前进!!! Recently, there was an endless stream of news between Sohu and the Olympics. In general, Sohu, the first Internet sponsor in the history of the Olympic Games, has changed the way sponsors are not allowed to run Olympic-themed ads on the Internet Rules “at the same time, it was accused of monopoly - because after the lifting of the sponsors can only run on the Sohu online Olympic advertising. And no matter who is right or wrong, just look at the BOCOG’s cautious attitude towards Internet advertising in the whole affair. We can conclude two conclusions: First, Internet advertising has not taken off yet. ”New things "Hat, so be treated differently; Second, the relevant agencies predict that domestic online advertising revenue in 2007 will exceed 1 billion US dollars, the expected figure apparently stimulated a lot of people, including Olympic sponsors. However, in the eyes of current advertisers, the term of Internet advertising has become somewhat obsolete and general. They relish the success of Focus Media, the feasibility of built-in advertising, and the long-term shift brought by precision marketing. In fact, the impact of the Internet, the old advertising industry is disintegrating, emerging advertising people are thinking about gold, from the earliest known to the latest precision advertising, advertising has also undergone enormous changes. Some people say that this is a new advertising revolution, some people say that all this means that advertising is evolving from content to form evolution, the future depends on who wins the new advertising platform. Perhaps there is no one who is right or wrong on this issue and it is still too early to comment on new advertisements until the dust settles. We can see, but also the new ad forward! Forward! Forward !!!
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目的 探讨大咯血患者外周血管介入治疗的临床效果.方法 参照随机数字表法将本院2018年1月-2019年1月大咯血患者100例分为2组,每组50例.对照组采用常规治疗,观察组采用外周血
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