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相传古时候,在美州墨西哥城南,有一个村庄,土地肥沃,水源充足,农牧业甚为兴旺,人们过着安居乐业的生活。有一年的夏季,突然发生了泥石流,一块巨石把水源切断,造成该地区严重缺水,土地干裂。这时村庄里有一个名叫波尔切里马的男士,不顾个人安危,凿石取水,夜以继日,终于将巨石凿开,清泉像猛虎般的冲出,波尔切里马由于疲劳过度,被水冲走,人们到处寻找,未见人影。时间一天天过去,一天,一个放牧人在水边发现一株顶叶鲜红的花,格外美丽。这事惊动了村庄百姓,村民说:这花很像波尔切里马,他生前很喜欢穿红上衣。人们为了纪念舍身取水之人,就将此花命名为“波尔切里马花”。后来人们用它的枝条扦插育苗,盆栽观赏。大约在18世纪中叶,此花传入欧洲,由于它的花期正值12月中下旬,人们用它装饰房间,庆祝圣诞节,所以它又叫“圣诞花”。 According to legend, ancient times, in Mexico City, south of the state, there is a village, fertile land, adequate water supply, agriculture and animal husbandry is very prosperous, people live a happy life. In the summer of one year, a sudden mudslide occurred. A boulder cut off water sources, causing severe water shortage and dry land in the area. At this time there is a man named Poll Rima in the village, regardless of personal safety, quarrying water, day and night, and finally rock boulder, clear spring like a tiger-like out, Bourceri horse due to fatigue, was Water rushed, people looking everywhere, no shadow. Time went by day, a day, a herdsman found at the water’s edge of a bright red flower top flowers, especially beautiful. This alerted the village people, the villagers said: This flower is like Policarima, he loved wearing a red shirt during his lifetime. People in order to commemorate the body to take the water, will this flower named “Policia horse flowers.” Later, people cuttings with its branches nursery, potted ornamental. About the middle of the eighteenth century, this flower was introduced into Europe. It is also called “Christmas flower” because it blooms in late December and people use it to decorate the room and celebrate Christmas.