
来源 :国外医学.妇产科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiluyouyu
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与宫颈和子宫峡部连接水平垂直轴的子宫扭转是罕见的,通常为子宫病变的继发表现,剖宫术前几乎不能诊断。 孕妇30岁,G1PO,闭经10周因腹痛就诊。查子宫大于闭经月份,B超示子宫在侧壁间肌瘤148mm×131mm×110mm,无坏死征象,妊娠期无异常,肌瘤没有前置,骨产道通畅。孕36周时先露臀位,顺利行外倒转术。孕38周胎膜早破入院,12h后出现规律宫缩。检查发现枕先露高浮,宫颈位置高,中等长度,质软,内口容1指。3h后产程无进展,使用催产素10muⅠ/min静滴,宫缩正常,但先露仍高浮,宫颈不扩张,决定行剖宫产术。开腹后见腹腔积液500ml,子宫腹膜反折处由于曲张静脉丛似的大血管使腹膜分离。子宫下段横切口顺利娩出一男性婴儿 Uterine twisting, which connects the horizontal, vertical axis to the isthmus of the cervix and the uterus, is uncommon, usually secondary to the appearance of a uterine lesion, and almost impossible to diagnose before a cesarean section. Pregnant women 30 years old, G1PO, amenorrhea due to abdominal pain for 10 weeks. Check the uterus is greater than the amenorrhea month, B ultrasound shows the uterus in the side wall fibroids 148mm × 131mm × 110mm, no signs of necrosis, no abnormal pregnancy, fibroids are not anterior, birthing unobstructed. 36 weeks pregnant when exposed breech, smooth surgery outside the inverted operation. 38 weeks of pregnancy premature rupture of membranes admitted to hospital, 12 hours after the regular contractions. Examination revealed that the first pillow exposed Lu high floating, high cervical position, medium length, soft, the inner mouth of 1 means. 3h after birth without progress, the use of oxytocin intravenous infusion of 10mu I / min, normal contractions, but the first dew is still floating, the cervix does not expand, decided to line cesarean section. See abdominal secretions after laparotomy 500ml, uterine peritoneal resection at the varicose veins like the large blood vessels so that peritoneal separation. Transverse uterine incision delivered a male baby
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患者男,41岁。因黄蜂螫伤后心慌、患处肿痛骚痒1小时,于1987年10月13日入院。既往无心脏病史。查体:T37℃,P120次/分,R20次/分, Patient male, 41 years old. Wasp wounds due to
男性,40岁,于1987年2月5日入院。1987年2月1日突然四肢抽搐,咬破舌体,神志不清,间断发作。既往史及家族史无特殊。体检:T37.7—39.6℃ P120次/mim R36次/mimBP13.9/0.9kPa。