博茨瓦纳马翁机场飞行区改扩建工程 荣获2013~2014年度国家优质工程奖

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博茨瓦纳马翁机场飞行区改扩建工程由博茨瓦纳交通运输部民航局投资,造价8313万美元,飞行区等级为4E,施工内容主要包括长3700米、宽60米沥青混凝土面层跑道,长3700米、宽38米滑行道,6个跑道与滑行道连接口,3个总面积10.55万平方米的沥青混凝土停机坪,1个3.3万平方米的水泥混凝土停机坪,1座小型气象站,2座小型变电站,以及机场飞行区配套照明、通讯、排水防护、配套道路等附属工程;于2009年4月15日开工,2012年9月20日竣工。针对项目规模大、技术难度高、工序复杂,并要兼顾机场正常运营和飞机起降等制约因素多和工 Botswana Maun Airport Flight Area Reconstruction and Extension Project by the Ministry of Transport of Botswana Civil Aviation Authority invested 83.13 million US dollars, the flight zone level 4E, the construction includes 3700 meters long and 60 meters wide asphalt concrete surface runway, 3700 meters long, 38 meters wide taxiway, 6 runway and taxiway connections, three 105,500 square meters of asphalt concrete apron, a 33,000 square meters of cement concrete apron, a small weather station, two small Substations and ancillary projects supporting lighting, communications, drainage protection and supporting roads in the flight zone of the airport; started on April 15, 2009 and completed on September 20, 2012. For large-scale projects, high technical difficulty, complex processes, and to take into account the normal operation of the airport and take-off and landing and other constraints and more workers
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