
来源 :中国临床解剖学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Wayne_poplar
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目的为临床开展神经内镜下经纵裂胼胝体侧脑室入路到达侧脑室及第三脑室手术提供应用解剖学基础。方法对10例成人尸头标本经纵裂胼胝体前部侧脑室入路在神经内镜下观察侧脑室、第三脑室结构并测量数据。结果 (1)胼胝体厚度(6.1±1.2)mm,室间孔长、宽径为(5.6±1.4)mm、(3.0±1.6)mm,中间块长、宽径(6.3±1.8)mm、(3.4±1.2)mm(;2)冠状缝前5cm引流静脉很少(;3)神经内镜观察侧脑室前角、侧脑室体部及室间孔的Y形结构,且可以通过室间孔进入第三脑室,进行较好的暴露和观察;(4)胼胝体切开1.5 cm,硬质内镜操作空间和观察范围受限,胼胝体切开2.0 cm时,适合神经内镜操作和观察。结论经纵裂胼胝体前部侧脑室入路按生理间隙进入,操作距离短,内镜直接指向室间孔,可同时显露对侧脑室,是处理双侧脑室、室间孔区及第三脑室病变的理想入路。 Objective To provide the anatomical basis for the clinical application of neuroendoscopy to reach the lateral ventricle and the third ventricle through the approach of the lateral fissure of the corpus callosum. Methods Ten cases of adult cadaveric head were transected into the anterior lateral ventricle of the corpus callosum to observe the structure of the lateral ventricle and the third ventricle under endoscopy and to measure the data. Results The thickness of the corpus callosum was (6.1 ± 1.2) mm, the length of the interventricular septum was (5.6 ± 1.4) mm, (3.0 ± 1.6) mm, the length of the middle block was 6.3 ± 1.8 mm ± 1.2) mm (; 2) Drainage veins less than 5 cm before coronary suture (; 3) Endoscopic anterior horn, lateral ventricle body and interventricular foramen of Y-shaped structures were observed by endoscopy, Third ventricle, better exposure and observation; (4) corpus callosum incision 1.5 cm, hard endoscopic operating space and the scope of the observation, corpus callosum incision 2.0 cm, suitable for endoscopic manipulation and observation. Conclusions The longitudinal approach of the anterior lateral ventricles of the corpus callosum into the physiological space, the operating distance is short, the endoscope directly points to the interventricular foramen, simultaneously exposing the contralateral ventricle, is to deal with bilateral ventricle, ventricular septal and third ventricle lesions The ideal route.
黑斑息肉综合征(Peutz-Jeghers syndrome,PJS)是一种常染色体显性遗传病,临床表现上以口周皮肤、唇颊黏膜和指趾端黑色素斑和消化道多发错构瘤性息肉为特点.患者多以便血、腹痛就诊.肠套叠是儿科常见急腹症,5%为继发性原因.常见的原因有过敏性紫癜、美克尔憩室、肠息肉等.我院2011年收治1例PJS致肠套叠患儿,现报道如下。
【摘要】 目的 探讨骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)高危患者的有效治疗方法。方法 笔者采用联合应用沙利度胺治疗高危MDS 15例。结果 在12例可评价的MDS病例中完全缓解4例(33.3%),部分缓解4例(33.3%),进步2例(16.7%),无效2例(16.7%)。毒副作用小。结论 沙利度胺联合治疗高危MDS有明显的疗效,且毒副作用小,值得扩大病例进一步研究及推广。   【关键词】骨髓增生异常综合征
目的 探讨急诊应用呼吸机治疗重症急性左心心力衰竭的疗效.方法 根据随机数字表法进行2016年3月至2018年2月90例重症急性左心心力衰竭患者分成不同组.对照组给予常规药物治疗