
来源 :解放军外国语学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Liuyuly
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在加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德的小说《羚羊与秧鸡》中,作者对科技发展和人类社会状况表现出强烈关注。小说借助对科技和理性至上主义的批判尖锐地讽刺了技术生产和消费主义对人性的毁灭。技术滥用导致物品体系的独立和消费欲泛滥,理性至上主义造成的超现实和虚拟现实是对人性本真、现实性的摧毁和取代。在作者描绘的反乌托邦社会和后灾难社会中,技术和消费至上导致人文和人性被架空,现实失去原本的意义。本文主要以鲍德里亚有关生产、消费和超现实等理论为基础,论述阿特伍德对技术的批判,阐述作者对科技与现实、科技与社会、科技与人性等关系的深刻思索,揭示小说所传达的警示信息和现实意义。 In the novel “Antelope and Corncrack”, by Canadian writer Margaret Attwood, the author is strongly concerned about the development of science and technology and the state of human society. The novel sharply satirizes the destruction of human nature by technological production and consumerism by criticizing science and technology and rationalism. The abuse of technology led to the proliferation of the independence and consumerism of the goods system. The surreal and virtual reality caused by rational supremacism destroyed and replaced the authenticity and reality of human nature. In the anti-utopian and post-disaster societies that the author portrayed, the supremacy of technology and consumption has led to humanity and humanity being emptied of the original meaning. Based on Baudrillard’s theory of production, consumption and surreal, this article discusses Atwood’s critique of technology, expounds the author’s deep thinking on the relationship between science and technology, science and technology and society, science and technology and human nature, The warning message conveyed and its practical significance.
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1 运输机类(客货运输机) 1.1 美国 1.1.1 波音707(B707-3J6B、3J6C、320BC)四发(涡扇)中远程喷气式客机。 1.1.2 波音737(B737-2T4、274、33A、3YO、5YO、31B、3Q8、31L、3W
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