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中国作为一个灾害频发的国家,历史上长期与洪水、地震、雪灾旱涝搏斗、逐渐养成了追求安全和安定的民族性,所以有所谓“不患贫而患不安”的思考方式。与“不患贫而患不安”相联系,历史上也不断出现人民流离失所和饮食无着现象,并促使历朝历代的管理精英以追求民众的安全、繁庶为第一要旨。南宋叶适有“为国之要,在于得民,民多则田垦而税增,役众而兵强”的论断。这次抗震救灾,也充分体现了我党以人为本的执震理念:灾害发生后胡锦涛总书记和温家宝总理多次指示“当务之急是救人”。电视画面中温总理动情地说:“房子裂了、塌了,我们还可以再修。只要人在,我们就一定能够渡过难关、战胜这场重大自然灾害。”在以人为本执政理念的感召下,全国人民团结一致、众志成城,充分展现了大国的实力。大灾之后,人心思定。这次地震在给四川灾区人民造成生命和财产巨大损失的同时,也让其他地区的中国人感受到了很深的震撼,在牛市格局中曾经一度受冷落的安全避险型投资理财品种应该得到应有的重视。 As a country with frequent disasters, China has historically wrestled with droughts and floods, earthquakes and snowstorms and has gradually developed its national character in pursuing safety and stability. Therefore, there is a way of thinking about “not suffering from poverty and uneasiness” . In connection with the “uneasiness of not suffering from poverty”, there has been a continuous history of people being displaced and undernourished, and the management elites of all previous Dynasties have been urged to pursue the safety and well-being of the general public as the first priority. The Southern Song Ye appropriate “for the country to be, is the people, the people more land reclamation and tax increases, the public service and soldiers strong ” assertion. This earthquake relief also fully demonstrated our party’s people-oriented concept of taking the earthquake: General Secretary Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao repeatedly pointed out after the disaster that the most urgent task is to save people. On the TV screen, Premier Wen Emotionally said: “When the house is cracked and collapsed, we can still repair it. As long as people are there, we will certainly be able to weather the storm and defeat this major natural disaster.” In the call for a people-centered ruling philosophy Under the unification of the people of the whole country and their concerted efforts, they fully demonstrated the strength of the great powers. After the disaster, people are determined. While this earthquake caused huge losses of life and property to the people in the disaster-stricken areas in Sichuan, it also made the Chinese in other areas feel deeply shocked that the safe-haven investment and financing products once neglected in the bull market pattern should be given Some attention.
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