随着城市化、工业化的发展,天灾人祸带来的损失往往比过去惨重得多。美国的9·11事件、北美的大停电、席卷全球的非典疫情再次向人们敲起警钟——人口密集的城市如何才能及时有效地应对突发事件,将损失减少到最低? 城市应急联动系统的建设已成为全球关注的一个焦点。城市应急服务联合行动是指,采用统一号码用于公众报告紧急事件和紧急求助。在背后支撑它的是强大的城市应急联动中心。应急联动中心是由计算机系统、呼叫中心、地理信息系统、定位系统、数据库、无线通信指挥调度系统
With the development of urbanization and industrialization, losses caused by natural disasters and man-made disasters have always been far more devastating than in the past. The 9.11 incident in the United States, a major power outage in North America, and the SARS epidemic sweeping across the globe once again alarm the people - how can a densely populated city deal with emergencies timely and effectively to minimize losses? Construction has become a focus of global concern. URTU refers to the use of a common number for public reporting of emergencies and emergency assistance. Supporting it in the back is a powerful city emergency response center. Emergency linkage center is composed of computer systems, call centers, geographic information systems, positioning systems, databases, wireless communications command and dispatch system