党中央、国务院和中央军委历来十分重视人民武装事业,寄于殷切希望,先后制定了一系列法规和政策,以保障这项工作顺利进行。民兵预备役工作不仅是现代条件下人民战争的基础工程,而且在平时维护社会稳定、促进经济建设,战时维护国家的统一、主权和领土完整都发挥着重要作用。 我国有一大批忠诚于人民武装事业的专职干部,他们“脚踏着祖国大地,背负着民族的希望”,从事这项光荣、豪迈而又艰巨的工作,常年累月奔波在大江南北、长城内外,跋涉在西至帕米尔高原,东至濒临太平洋的大小岛屿,在960万平方公里广阔领土上,都留下他们坚实的足迹和风尘仆仆的身影,在十二亿人口中间筑起一道真正的钢铁长城。他们这种甘当国防“孺子牛”,为人民武装事业鞠躬尽瘁,死而后己的精神,赢得了人民的钦佩和尊重。实践证明,68年来,我党我军之所以屡对强敌而不败,历经磨难而不衰,一步一步实现自己的奋斗目标,其原因之一就在于此。一切妄想征服中国的战争势力所害怕的,正是我们的人民战争。 当今的世界,正处在向多极化方向发展的历史性转变时期,我国社会主义现代化建设仍将在复杂多变的国际环境
The Central Party Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission have always attached great importance to the cause of the armed forces of the people and sent earnest hope that they have formulated a series of laws and policies to ensure the smooth progress of this work. The reserve work of the militia is not only the basic project of the people's war under modern conditions, but also plays an important role in safeguarding social stability and promoting economic construction in peacetime and in safeguarding national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity in wartime. Our country has a large number of full-time cadres who are loyal to the cause of the armed forces of the people. They are carrying out this glorious, arduous and arduous task of “treading the motherland and carrying the hope of the nation.” They travel all the year round in all directions, From the west to the Pamirs and the islands to the verge of the Pacific Ocean in the east, they have left their solid footprints and dusty roads on a vast 9.6 million square kilometers of territory and built a true steel wall between 1.2 billion people. Their willingness to defend their “beggars and oxen” has won people's admiration and respect for the people's armed forces' spared no efforts in venturing into their own spirits. Practice shows that for 68 years, one of the reasons why our party and army have been invincible over their enemies over and over through repeated hardships and failed to achieve their goal step by step. It is our people's war, which all are afraid to conquer China's war forces. In today's world, we are at a historic turning point in the direction of multi-polarization. Our country's socialist modernization will continue in the complex and ever-changing international environment