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为适应建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,促进药品市场竞争,降低医药费用,让患者享受到质量优良、价格合理的药品,经国务院同意,现就改革药品价格管理提出以下意见:一、调整药品价格管理形式.根据国家宏观调控与市场调节相结合的原则,药品价格实行政府定价和市场调节价。实行政府定价的药品,仅限于列入国家基本医疗保险药品目录的药品及其他生产经营具有垄断性的少量特殊药品(包括国家计划生产供应的精神、麻醉、预防免疫、计划生育等药品)。政府定价以外的其他药品,实行市场调节价,取消流通差率控制,由经营者自主定价.随着城镇职工基本医疗保险制度和医药卫生体制改革深化,法律法规逐步完善,要逐步减少政府定价的种类、数量的,进一步扩大市场调节价的范围,以在国家宏观调控下,充分发挥市场机制的作用.二、药品价格管理要引进市场竞争机制。政府定价原则上 In order to meet the requirements of establishing a socialist market economic system, to promote drug market competition, reduce medical costs and allow patients to enjoy good quality and reasonably priced medicines, with the agreement of the State Council, the following opinions on the reform of drug price management are as follows: I. Adjusting Pharmaceuticals In the form of price management, according to the principle of combining macroeconomic regulation with market regulation, the prices of medicines should be subject to government pricing and market regulation. Drugs priced by the government shall be limited to the drugs listed in the national basic medical insurance drug list and other monopolized small quantities of special drugs (including the spirit of national planned production and supply, drugs such as anesthesia, immunization and family planning). The prices of other drugs besides the government’s fixed price will be adjusted by the market and liquidation rate will be abolished and the prices will be controlled by the operators independently.With the reform of the basic medical insurance system for urban workers and the deepening of the medical and health system reform and the gradual improvement of laws and regulations, Type and quantity of the market to further expand the range of market regulation price so as to give full play to the role of market mechanism under the macro-control of the state.Second, drug price management should introduce market competition mechanism. Government pricing in principle
经公安部和科技部批准 ,由中国消防协会主办的第十届国际消防设备技术交流展览会 (CHINA FIRE2 0 0 4 ) ,定于 2 0 0 4年 10月 19日至 2 2日在北京隆重举行。目前 ,此次展会
一  据人民公安报等报报导 ,2 0 0 3年 11月 3日 ,湖南省衡阳市一栋回字形结构综合商住楼发生特大火灾。在衡阳市公安消防官兵奋勇扑救火灾时 ,大楼突然坍塌 ,正在进行灭火