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欧洲共同体理事会, 考虑到建立欧洲经济共同体的条约,特别是其第100a条; 考虑到欧洲共同体委员会提交的议案; 考虑到经济和社会委员会的意见; 鉴于有必要采取措施,以期能在1992年12月31日之前,逐步建立欧洲共同体内部市场;鉴于欧洲共同体内部市场是一个没有内部边界,保证商品、人员、服务和资本自由流通的区域; 鉴于近年来许多成员国特别以保护公众健康、提高工作安全以及确保保护使用者为目的,已通过了大量有关人身保护设备的条款; 鉴于各国的这些条款从防止人身的伤害出发,对人身保护设备的设计、制造、质量水平、检测和认证的要求通常极为详尽; 鉴于各国有关工作安全的条款特别对人身保护设备的使用有强制性规定;鉴于许多要求责成雇主在没有或缺乏优先安排公众保护措施的情况下,必须为其雇员置备适当的人身保护设备; 鉴于各成员国关于人身保护设备的条款彼此差异很大;鉴于它们因此会构成贸易壁垒,从而直接影响欧洲共同体内部市 The Council of the European Communities, taking into account the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, in particular its article 100a; Consideration of the bill submitted by the Commission of the European Communities; Consideration of the views of the Economic and Social Council; Considering the need to take measures to achieve the As the domestic market in the European Community is gradually established by 31 December; given that the internal market in the European Community is an area free from internal borders and guaranteeing the free flow of goods, people, services and capital, and in view of the fact that in recent years many member countries, inter alia, have been promoting public health Work safety and ensuring the protection of users, a large number of articles on personal protective equipment have been passed; in view of the fact that these articles in various countries, starting from personal injuries, require the design, manufacture, quality level, testing and certification of personal protective equipment Usually in great detail; In view of the fact that the articles on safety of work in various countries have, in particular, the mandatory requirements for the use of personal protective equipment; in view of the many requirements that oblige employers to provide their employees with adequate personal protection in the absence or lack of prioritization of public protection measures Equipment; in view of member states The provisions on personal protective equipment vary greatly from one another; given that they therefore constitute trade barriers that directly affect the internal market of the European Community
95’日立龙霸杯全国武术锦标赛散手团体擂台赛,于1995年5月25日到29日在南昌举行。共有27个代表队,近二百名运动员参加了比赛。 本次比赛是男子团体赛,含小团体赛及个人资格
西藏体育代表团全体同志: 获悉我区马术队拉巴顿珠同志在第五届全国民运会跑马射击项目的比赛中力战群雄,夺得冠军,特此表示热烈祝贺!望全体运动员、教练员再接再厉。夺得更