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有害液体在均匀有界固体介质中的扩散通常是一个伴有化学反应的传质过程,本文采用拉普拉斯变换法对其动力学方程进行了新的求解,得出了吸收过程的解析解。通过定义标准函数err(x)及反函数aer(x),推导出当降解速率常数k=0时扩散系数D的精确解,理论误差为0.以芥子气在醇酸漆涂层中的传递为例,验证得该方法与实验值的标准差为σ=1.95×10-10cm2/s,其精度远远高于常规方法。在此基础上,求出了液体在涂层中的吸收量、扩散通量,得到了它们的时空分布规律,分析了降解速率常数k对它们的影响。文章更为准确、系统地描述了有害液体在涂层中的吸收规律,所给出的扩散系数计算方法更加简洁、精确,对有害物质的洗消、危害评估及相应措施的制定提供了理论依据。 The diffusion of harmful liquid in a homogeneous solid medium is usually a mass transfer process accompanied by chemical reaction. In this paper, Laplace transform method is used to solve the kinetic equation. An analytical solution of the absorption process is obtained . By defining the standard function err (x) and the inverse function aer (x), the exact solution of the diffusion coefficient D at a degradation rate constant k = 0 is derived with a theoretical error of 0. The transmission of mustard gas in the alkyd coating is For example, the standard deviation of this method from the experimental value is verified as σ = 1.95 × 10-10cm2 / s, the precision is much higher than the conventional method. On this basis, the absorption and diffusion flux of the liquid in the coating were calculated, and their temporal and spatial distribution was obtained. The effect of the degradation rate constant k on them was analyzed. The article describes the absorption law of the harmful liquid in the coating more accurately and systematically. The calculation method of the diffusion coefficient given is more concise and accurate, which provides a theoretical basis for the decontamination, hazard assessment and the corresponding measures of the harmful substances. .
岳阳具有发展航运物流的极大优势,然而,岳阳航运物流的发展远远落后于形势和需要。本文试图分析岳阳航运物流的现状与成因,并提出相应的政策建议。 Yueyang has the great a
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