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这届三中全会还释放一个重要信号,就是强力地推进全面的、深化的改革,由过去某一领域的重点突破,到现在以经济体制改革为重点、为牵引,扩展到政治、文化、社会、生态、党建等深层领域。《决定》共十六部分,从六个方面具体部署。政治体制改革,其主要方向和任务,集中在加强社会主义民主政治制度建设、推进法治中国建设、强化权力运行制约和监督体系等三大领域。在《决定》的60条中,直击政治体制改革的就有11条。其中,民主政治制度建设部分有三条,即第(27)条——推动人民代表大会制度与时俱进、(28)条——推进协商民主广泛多层制度化发展、(29)条——发展基层民主;法治中国建 This Third Plenary Session also released an important signal that we must vigorously promote comprehensive and deepening reforms, starting from a major breakthrough in one area in the past and now focusing on the reform of the economic system. This will lead to the extension of the political, cultural and social systems , Ecology, party building and other deep areas. The “Decision” consists of sixteen parts and is deployed in six aspects. The main direction and tasks of the reform of the political system are concentrated on three major areas: strengthening the building of a socialist democratic political system, promoting the construction of a rule of law in China, and strengthening the restriction and supervision system of the exercise of power. Of the 60 “decisions,” there are eleven articles that directly impact the political system. Among them, there are three sections in the construction of a democratic political system, namely, Article 27 - promoting the system of the people’s congress to keep pace with the times, section 28 - promoting the extensive and multi-layered institutionalization of consultative democracy, section 29 - Development of grassroots democracy; rule of law China is built
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